the fastest transition in the west

(⬀α΄₯⬀) to – 352 points –

image transcript:

screenshot of a twitter post:
TomboysForBiden(but Anime)πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ posts:
Would you press it?

will you push the button?

99% chance of getting 1 million dollars
1% chance of becoming a girl

OlufΓ©mi O. Taiwo quote retweets the post: philosophy twitter: can we agree that this is not a math question

tumblr post, replying to the screenshot:
as a completely cis dude, | would press this button immediately, without question. There are a lot of things | would do for money, but shit I'd do this for like 20 bucks... maybe less?

She said with all too much confidence

A DAY!??!?!


I'd press it a few times. In the end, I think I'd care way more about never working again for the rest of my life than being a guy.

Same. I'm about halfway done already. What's another 40 being a bit different? I'd be lucky to have such a varied perspective on life.

It would at least make the last half more interesting because there’d be more learning, unless the button takes away ADHD the dopamine alone makes it worth pressing


boykisser as profile pic

completely cis dude

She could have changed her profile pic after that comment.

I like to imagine the profile pic changed immediately after the transition was complete, and at the time of the "completely cis" post it was something manly, like.. I don't know, hotwheels?

Everyone here debating the mechanics of the button or engaging with the question explicitly posed.

But I'm just trying to figure out wtf the bottom comment in the pic is about. A day? What day? No time frame is ever mentioned in any other part of the post.

Arch-user in the image said they were a "completely cis dude" and would hit that button, then replied to themselves (~1 day later) calling herself "she" - implying they became(?) trans within that time period. The final response is from another person, incredulous at the short timeline between "completely cis" and trans

It took them a day to realize they're trans. The reblogs have timestamps.

Both reblogs say 6d ago

Most likely just awkward rounding when the screenshot was taken. A lot of the time those post age indicator tags just count the number of hours between it and you then each multiple of 24 is a day without caring about when the actual date changes. So the first could easily have been at like 7pm one day and the second like 11am the next day and they'd both get abbreviated at 6 days ago if you were looking at it at like 4pm when you haven't quite hit the next multiple of 24 hours.

The comment-times both say 6 days for the arch user and 4 days for the person commenting "a day" so I'm assuming on their end there was about a day time difference between the time the arch user posted the post about the button and realising they're probably trans, which is exceptionally fast and worthy of the day comment.

Girl? Girl implies youth. So, get a million dollars or be young again?

I'm keeping this button locked up until retirement, then

Mad strats

I'm pressing it 100 times

Well you got that 1% chance about 4 times by sheer luck I don't know what to tell you but you're Supergirl, now. Congrats?

If you are already a cis woman, does this just reroll your stats?

I'm wondering how literal "girl" is. Like, would I go back to being a little girl? Absolutely not. But would I go back to being like 20? Maybe! There's some shit I'd like to do differently.

However, I'd wayyyy rather have the cash.

I seem to be the minority here, but, while I'd press the button, I wouldn't mash it or press it a bunch of times, or eagerly press it... because periods. And PMS. And misogyny. But, mostly periods.

I think being a girl has some pretty sucky parts that is guys completely avoid, and for which I'm really grateful. And I think a lot of dudes who fantasize about transitioning sort of skip over, although I guess with no ovaries trans women get to avoid the worst of it. Although they still have to deal with the patriarchy, and that's pretty shitty.

So, yeah. I'd press it, but with some trepidation.

I've heard that some trans women get "phantom periods" after hrt, like the hormonal cycle still happens even if the parts aren't there.

Cis men have hormonal cycles too, it's just not accompanied by your body contracting rapidly or you bleeding out of your privates so men get to pretend they don't have cycles

Get a million or be 17 again? Sounds like win-win!

I didn’t even think about this, for trans men this button is a Time Machine

I have a question though:

If I became a girl through the button, the button would then change and give me a 1% chance of becoming a boy. I could just proceed to then press the button again and be myself again and get a bunch of cash

Wait, we can push it more than twice. I'm smashing on that button until it breaks.

I can easily pay to transition back if the whole girl thing doesn't work out.

Well, but transitioning back probably wouldn’t give you a functional penis. Idk how the whole schbang works, but I doubt it’s erectile and excitable

I'll manage. I old enough that sex isn't top of mind. It would be no different that having prostate cancer whose treatment lead to the same outcome, minus the millions.

oh a clit after t does get erect and is excitable, but it rarely gets big enough to allow for penetration

I assumed the button was supposed to be single use.

Well, in that case, I'd like better odds. What am I supposed to do with a million dollars?

I guess I'd press it anyways. 1% is better than nothing.

A million bucks is a lot of money to transition with! Instant transition or luxury transition, win/win πŸ‘

1 more...
1 more...

I'm a straight dude and would press the button in a heartbeat because I don't see either of those options as problematic (as the meme usually suggests).

So uhhh. On the premise that women can't slam this thing as many times as they want without consequences so they also stand a risk of a gender swap...

Why would we not just keep pressing the button until we turned back?

Okay but all of that gone, 1 press, these are your chances, fuck yeah. In a fucking second. This isn't a hard question unless you're already wealthy.

You can't just change the rules! Women finally get a win here! Free money with no consequences

Okay okay, I guess we can let you guys have the one win. :)

I'd hit it. A mil could solve most of my problems. Becoming a girl would just be one more.

this shit is going up against TV Glow for the ultimate eggsmasher

I mean if you mentally become a female as well as physically then it is basically just a new life (would be super weird for your relatives or significant other though!).

Press it a thousand times and then transition back πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I’d press it as long as I get to keep my parts down there. I’m way more attached to my anatomy than my gender.