Forget star signs, what key do you press to wake up your computer from sleep? to Ask – 214 points –

Personally I press Ctrl


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I always turn off my computer when I'm done. I like to get a fresh boot

+1 to linux - windows requires a reboot *by default these days to get a fresh boot, go figure.

My machine's boot time is pretty fast because of Linux.

Wake from sleep will always be faster, regardless of the OS.

I was pointing out that a "fresh boot" on windows isn't what people think it is any more *by default

was pointing out that a “fresh boot” on windows isn’t what people think it is any more.

You can just turn off fast startup if you care that much. Generally there isn't a reason to do that though.

Even without fast boot, this is what Windows does. Shutdown = hibernate, restart = fresh boot 🤷‍♂️

Do you mean quick boot? Because that can be disabled.

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