The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins to – 744 points –
The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins

Very interesting article!


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This takes me back to a simpler time.

A time of playing Total Anihilation and hanging on MSN messenger.

Does anyone remember musicmatch jukebox with the jumping sheep visualisation?

This threw me for a sec because I was like "no way was someone playing Total Annihilation and not listening to that incredible OST".

Me and a friend used to love the menu background sound. Like a deep mechanical humming sound.

We used to call it "indust". My friend looped it for an hour and recorded it to minidisc.

Maybe this is why I like dark ambient drone sounds so much even today...

The Jukebox was better because of cataloging from online sources and library features. Don't remember the visuals