Did you hear the one about the baby trans walking into a female stereotype?

OldEggNewTricks@lemmy.blahaj.zone to Transfem@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 56 points –

I was going to make this a meme, but image uploads are broken.

So after spending way too much money and buying All The Things on Amazon, I've noticed a pattern.

  1. Browse clothes
  2. "Oooh, that's pretty!"
  3. Check size
  4. Shucks, too small
  5. Buy it anyway

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You just blew my mind. I mean, I realize it must take a lot of knowledge and practice to get a good result, but...

Wow, if I could get whatever design in exactly my size...

Sewing is an excellent skill to learn! Start small, learn to read patterns, don't be afraid to call something practice and just rip the threads back out to give it a second try.

if you know how to sew, one excellent resource is Freesewing. It’s a community, a tool, and a collection of parametric patterns that are produced for your measurements. And free! It’s also an excellent help if you want to learn it