'Can't believe my eyes': Florida 'hotbed of Trump support' erupts with Harris enthusiasm

NegativeNull@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 969 points –
'Can't believe my eyes': Florida 'hotbed of Trump support' erupts with Harris enthusiasm

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  1. Not all polls predicted that

  2. The polls pretty accurately predicted the popular vote, but Trump won in 6 highly contested swing states which at the time included Florida

Even if that were the case, we would need some data to indicate which poll is accurate so then we'll know some number that won't actually determine who will end up as president.

Might be better to just ignore the simplistic number that doesn't indicate anything useful and instead focus on numbers indicating what issues people care about and try to convince as many people as possible to vote for Harris.

That is completely off topic. The conversation here is about whether no polling is more trustworthy than some polling.

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