Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week

kmartburrito@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 842 points –
Kamala Harris erases Trump’s poll lead in one week

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Why are people saying this?

Probably to cover for racism and/or sexism.

The impression I keep getting is that these people do not feel like she'd be a good president, but I don't know why anyone thinks that. One person did tell me Trump "literally gave me money" when he was in power, so I don't know what to think lol

Trump didn't. He just signed a bill introduced by others.

Democratic politicians pushed for and voted for giving all citizens a payout when the pandemic forced everybody to isolate, which happened when Trump was president.


Ah, I think I remember people being very excited about how they were going to spend the money they received!

If you want to have a fun* time, press the matter on why they feel that way.

  • "Fun" here meaning potentially rife with conflict.

Well, uh, she cackles or something. Translation: she laughs. OMG, just like Hillary did!

This seems to be the extent of their argument. Meanwhile, because Kamala laughs and doesn't have a penis, that kind of argument stands, but the tone police will rush in to tell everyone in a Very Serious Way that talking about JD's couch fuckin' is not something anyone Very Serious should ever do, LOL. Um, why? If Kamala's supposed "cackle" is a supposed issue, why isn't JD's alleged couch fuckin'?

You know what? When my friends send me endless memes in the chat, I too cackle like Kamala. It's nice to have a presidential candidate with so much joy in her heart that she cannot help but share it.

Unlike trump, who I don't think I've ever seen laugh, chuckle, chortle, or anything else that would remotely telegraph joy other than a froggy grin when he's leering at his daughter.