Tested: AMD Ryzen AI 300 brings serious performance to Copilot+ PCs

mrddu3at2@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 44 points –
Tested: AMD Ryzen AI 300 brings serious performance to Copilot+ PCs

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I used Ubuntu initially - These distros aren't fine. Time wasted on fixing problems I shouldn't need to fix is wasted forever. It was a never ending stream of issues that wasted countless hours of my life

So two of the most popular if not the top two most used Linux distros, are bad and not fine? Odd that such a large amount of users would continue to use something so unstable. Maybe it wasn't the distro's fault?

Odd indeed. These distros have outdated libraries, and things just dont work out of the box - it can be an absolute nightmare for a new user. Also Canonical once screwed up components of the Ubuntu by sheer incompetence, and didn't bother to fix them until next release 6 months later. Suggesting it to noobs is straight way to convert them back to windows

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