Why is swearing normal for some people?

VanHalbgott@lemmus.org to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 44 points –

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This question is exactly backwards. Everything should be normal to say unless there's a specific reason NOT to say it. So OP, what is your specific reason for thinking people SHOULDN'T say swear words?

I read the Bible for a living.

There are verses that say not to swear or curse.

James 5:12 Leviticus 19:12 Ecclesiastes 10:20 Romans 12:14 Proverbs 30:10 Matthew 26:74

Take a further look and i think you'll find those passages don't mean what you think they mean. On biblehub look at the most up to date translations, and look at the commentaries section - https://biblehub.com/james/5-12.htm

I see…I just don’t prefer profanity over normal language.

Ah, now THAT is a valid reason!! We all have our own preferences, and by itself that's totally fine

I've noticed that words that are considered "profanity" tend to be vernacular words that express negative emotions (pain, anger, frustration, etc). The fact that these words are considered profane seems a bit unhealthy, because it limits our ability to verbally express how we are feeling internally. Nevertheless, I think some people might use these words too often. If one is cursing every other word all the time, then it's a bit like "crying wolf" once they use it when they're actually experiencing a strong negative emotion.

Profanity is a part of normal language.

I disagree. Lots of swear words are just derogatory ways of referring to people. I don't think it should be normal for those words to be said

Well clearly you agree with me, not disagree, because you have a specific reason for why you think they shouldn't be used.

Secondly, you're misunderstanding what swear words are. It includes insults, but that isn't what a swear word is. Swear words at least as often don't even refer to people, as in "fuck! I stubbed my toe!" and "damn I'm late for work again". And in fact very often they're used as positive words, as in "shit i love that tv show!" and "that motherfucker really knows how to play the bass!"

You said the question should be backwards. I disagree

You think random words should be not said for no reason?

Also, you didn't respond to the main part of my point