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This. Racism, bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia, etc will never go away, but hopefully it will go back to being something that is shunned instead of promoted

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I didn't read your whole comment, but from what i did read I can say this is basically the correct answer. The only thing I'd add is to also include nice sentiments and productivity explanations.


"Hey [person's name], do you have a couple minutes? I wanna have a quick chat. I wanna let you know that I'm a significant introvert, which means i need alone time and and social boundaries. I think you're a very nice person and i appreciate all the efforts you've made trying to connect with me, but that actually makes things more difficult for me. It emotionally stresses me out, and that in turn also reduces my productivity at work. I think you're great, but it would be really helpful to me if there were no extra social interactions with me beyond what's needed for our work to get done smoothly. I know you have good intentions when asking about my personal life and striking up conversations, and i honestly appreciate that intent, but it would be great if I could have social interactions kept to the minimum. I really appreciate your consideration on this stuff, thanks."

No way, your premise is wrong. Photos from a 2024 phone are MASSIVELY better than a photo from phones that came before a camera bump existed. The last iPhone that didn't have a bump was the iPhone 6.


Actually it was the iPhone 5s

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Yeah the things that the elders say sound like typical narcissist parent quotes. "[My kids abandoned me because] they said ‘Taking care of him is not our cup of tea.” That's sounds extremely unlikely. I would guess you didn't want to hear the very justified exact reasons why they didn't want you in their life anymore.

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Mastodon isn't a straight replacement for twitter, bluesky is.

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From the history section of that page:

In 1930, Yrigoyen was ousted from power by the military led by José Félix Uriburu. Although Argentina remained among the fifteen richest countries until mid-century, this coup d'état marks the start of the steady economic and social decline that pushed the country back into underdevelopment.

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And not just a metaphorical embrace

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Fuck that.

  • You're a grown ass adult, eat whatever you want

If you don't like the taste of crust and have enough money that you don't need to make use of every piece of food, then don't eat the crust.

If you don't like the taste of crust but think it has some benefit, then eat the crust.

If you don't like the taste of crust but are broke and want to eat the crust to feel full so you can spend more money on other stuff, then eat the crust.

If you like the taste of crust but want to save the crusts to make an art piece out of them, then don't eat the crust.


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Evil AND dumb. Stealing from kids who are having a hard childhood, and defrauding the government in a way that'll get caught by a standard audit. I hope she has to pay it all back too

She's electric! In politics I've never seen such a sudden instantaneous jolt of energy and enthusiasm happen basically overnight! iirc even Obama didn't get quite as many people excited as quickly as Harris is doing! iirc even several weeks after Obama got the nomination there were still a good amount of nay sayers and fence sitters

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This race is exactly tied 50-50

You need to do everything you can to help Harris win! Donate and volunteer! Go do a web search how to do it right now! I mean RIGHT now! Go!

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What we want is money out of politics. That's the goal. But since that isn't currently the situation, then until that happens it's good for the non-fascist to get donations.

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I've never had to replace an LED bulb, ever. They last forever if there isn't a problem with your installation, like poor electrical wiring or poor ventilation

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I mean, if i got the opportunity to compete in the Olympics in a sport i sucked at, I'd probably take it too

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Whoda thunk it?! And it's especially dumb because iirc studies have shown that shoplifting rates haven't changed much if at all in a long time

You need to specify whether you're taking about digital or analog technology, or some other limit on the question, because i think you're not looking for answers like "fire" or as another user replied "shoes".

That wouldn't be better for the company. They probably don't make money on selling the hardware.

A couple of things.

"Drone" doesn't mean anything about speed. A drone is no faster or slower than than any other weapon with the same propulsion system.

And "shot down" doesn't mean bullets. Air defense systems generally use extremely fast missiles.

More like dickbutt phobia. This is hate against double sided dildo sex

He potentially could've caused LOST votes if she took him in. He is very unpopular.

According to who? Because i don't recognize most of these, and i don't see some that are very shared like bad breakdancing woman

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Absolute nonsense. Many of the comments you removed weren't saying anything wrong. They were discussing why the OPs draft is unworkable and would have the opposite of the effect they intend.

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I'm aware of that stuff, i just don't see why it's relevant to this current event

This question is exactly backwards. Everything should be normal to say unless there's a specific reason NOT to say it. So OP, what is your specific reason for thinking people SHOULDN'T say swear words?

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N64 cartridges rely on a battery inside it to keep the storage alive, and all those batteries are likely all dead now, so there will be no stored game in there any more

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How could step one or two have been anything besides authorities turning the whole store inside out looking for the scissors? The most likely scenario by far obviously was that the employee simply misplaced it

I mean, if there's still gonna be command line commands for all the features then there's no reason why a 3rd party couldn't make a gui app for them and recreate the control panels app

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No, this legislation is specifically about creating fake replicas. An actual recording of you in a space where you have no expectation of privacy is legal.

But with that said, you already can request meta/Google/etc remove photos of you. Though i have no idea if they actually take action on those requests.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled"

After someone has been convinced of something, it's very hard to convince them that they were wrong because now their ego is on the line. And the longer amount of time they've believed what Trump says then the harder it will be to convince them that he's a lying con man, because they'd have to admit to themselves and their community that they were massively conned. And they would to some degree have to even question whether their entire worldview is wrong.

Questioning your own ideas and trying to determine if you've been wrong about something takes a lot of openness maturity and emotional intelligence, which are things conservatives statistically are not good at

Absolutely, it's not even remotely a question - the ants would win. Totally and completely.

I'm not up on UK politics, please explain to me why that needs to be pointed out.

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This race is exactly tied 50-50

You need to do everything you can to help Harris win! Donate and volunteer! Go do a web search how to do it right now! I mean RIGHT now! Go!

  1. My argument is you can't tell the demographic identity of ANY person who posts on lemmy. Even when they supposedly self-identify.

  2. Again, what you're saying here is radically different than what OP is saying in the 4 points they posted. There was nothing limiting it to "on discussions about being black".

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CME = coronal mass ejection

The data shows this race is 50-50. Don't listen to opinions or even single poll results.

We need to do more than just vote, we need to volunteer, donate, and encourage friends and family to go vote for Harris

A very fit athletic person who has done endurance training can do 30 miles in a day, but that's not typical. Most people could do around 10+ if their life literally depended on it like in the aftermath of a nuke

Source: a brief web search

Well clearly you agree with me, not disagree, because you have a specific reason for why you think they shouldn't be used.

Secondly, you're misunderstanding what swear words are. It includes insults, but that isn't what a swear word is. Swear words at least as often don't even refer to people, as in "fuck! I stubbed my toe!" and "damn I'm late for work again". And in fact very often they're used as positive words, as in "shit i love that tv show!" and "that motherfucker really knows how to play the bass!"

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I don't see how. Summer games are games that can be played outdoors during the summer season. Winter games are games that can be played outdoors during the winter season.

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