Longtime GOP Pollster: Trump’s Campaign Is Over After Debate

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 92 points –
Longtime GOP Pollster: Trump’s Campaign Is Over After Debate

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This race is exactly tied 50-50


You need to do everything you can to help Harris win! Donate and volunteer! Go do a web search how to do it right now! I mean RIGHT now! Go!

Nate Silver is a hack, but agree with everything else you said.

Why do you say that? The consensus seems to be that he is one of the best at what he does.

One reason is that he has demonstrated over the past 8 years that he's not really better at forecasting than others. But the main reason I say that is he's shown his ass on social media time and time again. I don't have specifics so can't really defend my accusation.