What if instead of the Summer and Winter Olympics it was the wet and dry Olympics?

CrimeDad@lemmy.crimedad.work to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 120 points –

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I don't see how. Summer games are games that can be played outdoors during the summer season. Winter games are games that can be played outdoors during the winter season.

Why so many indoor events then? Also, the typical seasons of many of of the "Summer" Olympics events are in the winter.

Why so many indoor events then?

They're games that people CAN play outdoors during summer.

Also, the typical seasons of many of of the "Summer" Olympics events are in the winter.

I don't understand this question.

What I mean is that I consider basketball, for example, to be a winter sport since it is properly played indoors on a wooden court and therefore its season is during the cold months of the year.

I can't say i agree. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion