Most popular pictures of the Olympics

Blaze (he/him) to – 667 points –

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According to who? Because i don't recognize most of these, and i don't see some that are very shared like bad breakdancing woman

Yeah, my first thought was it was missing the dude whose dick cost him a medal.

Wait.... What?

His big dong messed up his pole vault attempt and knocked the bar

There was major meat malfunction is what he's saying

He should have kept his pole in a vault during competition.

Isnt that several years old? Or did it happen again?

It literally happens every Olympics and people lose their mind every time. Same with “funny shooting stance” memes.

You'd think they would start wearing a cup or something.

That'd give them a larger bulge = less margin = more dickbars. Less painful though!

That was a Japanese dude last time. The tip of his teepee messed up his jump.

This time is was a French guy, I believe. You could see his giant equipment bouncing around as it slammed the bar.

Apparently if you watch the replay it’s clear that he had already failed his attempt before his bulge hit.

He had. Hit his feet, knees dick and hips.

Pretty terrible vault really.

feet, knees, dick and hips, dick and hips

feet, knees, dick and hips, dick and hips

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

feet, knees, dick and hips, dick and hips

Damn you beat me to it. That's all I know about this year's Olympics

According to who?

Other people? I know that's a foreign concept to people here. That other people exist, but it's true. There's over a million of us. Crazy right.

If by other people you mean something like the PR firm of the IOC, then sure. The word "popular" doesn't just mean "something one person or entity prefers"