4 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm pretty sure some of those fancy restaurants that pop up everywhere already do this. They'll put bacon on anything

Screenshot so you don't give traffic to Reddit

Here's a screenshot so you don't give the site any traffic

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Good! Stay down!

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Republicans: "Trump did nothing wrong. And if he did, you can't prove it. And if you can prove it, it doesn't matter because he's done good too!"

Also Republicans: "Biden is the biggest threat to the United States, democracy, and the world! He should be arrested and removed from office!"

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Elon's motto: "Move fast and break stuff."

In this case, stuff may mean people, property, laws, take your pick.

God, I wish I knew about Redacto. I manually deleted my 11 year old account over the course of like 3 days.

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Ngl, you had me in the first half

Not only that, but these scum swear they'll be saved and go to heaven. They do things against practically every word Jesus says. Love thy neighbor, thou shall not kill, steal, covet, blah blah. Yet they really believe all will be forgotten and forgiven? That's gold medal mental gymnastics.

It's unfortunate they won't die off sooner so we can actively get to work on fixing their mess. We don't have the time though

Doesn't that open them up for a lawsuit then? Either breach of contract if it's in their legalese, or at least false advertising.

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I just hope they don't pull the same bullshit regarding the joy-cons and the drift issue

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For a group that talks shit about "snowflakes" always crying about everything, they sure like to cry about everything

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Begins? It's been slowly getting worse for years

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I use "Router? I hardly know her!" for my 5Ghz, "Tell Your Wifi Say Hi!" for my 2.4Ghz

Not OP, but anything good for the planet I support. Anything that helps equality for all I support. All the steps he took to help us during Covid, including securing enough vaccines for everyone and helping people out of jobs due to covid with stimulus checks and small business protections (though I agree it probably could've been handled better, to curtail fraud), I support.

So, three large key points that in truth pertain to a LOT of small initiatives he's done, I support. Much better than Trump would've done.

That being said, I wish we had better democratic alternatives for president. Biden (and honestly, a good chunk of our representatives on both sides) is just too old. We need to have term limits and age limits for all seats in government and SCOTUS.

Yeah, that's great and all. But this judge shouldn't be ruling over this case if he doesn't know the basics of today's technology.

I wonder if there's a way to disable that kind of reporting. Obviously, that's not an acceptable answer to the issue. Sharing of information like that needs to be opt-in with full disclosure and not buried within pages of legalese.

But as a moderately tech savvy person, maybe there's a way to disable it's network connectivity so it can't phone home anymore.

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Honestly, as Republicans continue to do shadier and shadier shit, the easier it becomes for me to justify my vote for the other side.

They are alienating themselves, as it becomes "the hardcore (crazy) Right vs everyone else".

You remember that?! How old are you?

You forgot to turn on Rain Mode

This is one of the least insane things Florida Man would do

Do you think if the Satanic Temple made a line-by-line copy of their app, but painted it black/red, the Evangelists would cry foul and complain about everything we're complaining about?

What am i saying? Of course they would.

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I'll still be safe. I don't generally drink human milk.

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Which is mindblowing, because you'd think committing acts that would lead to the apocalypse would invalidate you from going to heaven.

Keeping in their line of thinking, you're actively destroying the earth and killing the people God created so you can selfishly get yourself into heaven.

Olympic Gold-level mental gymnastics there...

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They just don't want the world to see how little people like them now

You leave the bananas out of this! They're a victim!

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Aren't all major technically made up?

Also, Semantics & Pedantry 101.

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I think that's the whole point. He knows Thomas won't take the money. It's not about the money.

Oliver is just using the money as bait, so when Thomas says "I'm not taking the money because my job is about being just and whatever.", he can fire back by pointing out everything that was discussed in the video.

Best case scenario, Thomas takes the money and retires, then Biden appoints a Democratic-leaning judge to fill the spot and bring more balance to the Supreme Court.

Worse (and most probable) case, Thomas ignores the offer for as long as possible. Pretends like it never happened. Then when someone eventually asks about it, he can play dumb or list whatever bullshit high-horse reasoning he wants, which Oliver can then point out the obvious hypocrisy and that's that.

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The issue isn't simply buying condoms. If that were the case, the bill would be to give away condoms anywhere they are sold (which would be vetoed as well). The issue is that, for high school kids, they often don't feel comfortable going out to buy condoms. It's still seen as something to be ashamed of. So when they get into a situation where they need one, it's not available which can lead to obvious complications.

Providing free condoms at high schools gives the kids a guilt-free, anonymous way to protect themselves when they eventually have sex, which is going to happen regardless of what adults say.

Nucular Boogalu

He's bankrupt for everyone but himself.

The irony is ridiculous

Voting is great and all, but we literally have the choice between the guy helping fund these atrocities, and the guy trying to destroy democracy.

Just vote third party? That's just a throw away vote for one party. THIS is the problem with a two-party system.

Unfortunately, there are too many major hurdles to go over (two party system, electoral college, gerrymandering, lobbying, just to name a few) before we even have a chance at something resembling justice, here or abroad.

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That's the sign of a real leader who cares about his country before himself

Anything that further divides Conservatives is something I welcome. Especially when they do it to themselves.

Tastes like sin

Ronald McSantis has a better ring to it

"Massive voter turnout is expected on the first day of elections."

Mobs destroy polling stations, 3 set ablaze.

"No! Not like that!"

I'll take 3 hrs of coffee! Sleep is for the weak

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No one started the fire. It was always burning, since the world's been turning