There's a lot of cats on this sub (are we calling these subs?), so here's a pic of my doggo after an over-ripe mango fell on his head. to – 680 points –

Unfortunately, he passed years ago. But its my favorite picture of my favorite pup. Plus, this is my first post on Lemmy! So I feel its appropriate!


We call them communities here to distance ourselves from the front ad page of the internet

I say we call them Doms, you know, for reseaons

Yeah I remember The_Donald users calling their subreddit 'domreddit' because they were not the submissive type.

Communities is way to long and generics

I think instances act much more like a community and a community is a sub-community… but then we just en at sub again.

Yes there needs to be more doggo content on here! I promise to post pics of my dog if someone creates it

It's illegal to a post dog picture without calling them the bestest. First and last warning!

Bless him, what a good doggo 🙏 sorry for your loss

Those eyes express so much confusion and concern lol

Poor pup cant lick the top of his head clean. At least mangoes are safe for least to eat, not when falling on their head.