MAGA Is Based on Fear, Not Grounded in Reality to politics – 480 points –
Opinion | MAGA Is Based on Fear, Not Grounded in Reality

Yet such fantasies are now the common currency of politics on the American right. Remember the days when pundits solemnly declared that Trumpism was caused by economic anxiety? Well, despite a booming economy, there’s still plenty of justified anxiety out there, reflecting many people’s real struggles: America is still a nation riddled with inequality, insecurity and injustice. But the anxiety driving MAGA isn’t driven by reality. It is, instead, driven by dystopian visions unrelated to real experience.

That is, at this point, Republican political strategy depends largely on frightening voters who are personally doing relatively well not just according to official statistics but also by their own accounts, by telling them that terrible things are happening to other people.


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For a group that talks shit about "snowflakes" always crying about everything, they sure like to cry about everything

Correct. Doesn't matter what side your on, everybody bitches about everything. It's the same shit forever. Vote for literally anyone you want because it literally doesn't matter.

because it literally doesn't matter

Spoken like someone who isn't being demonized daily by a certain party and having your basic rights legally stripped away.

You know nothing about me. But if you want to play that game, what rights are being stripped away? Unless something new happened, no one is trying to rewrite the constitution. So unless you're trying to be a perpetual victim, yes it literally doesn't matter. The last few decades show that.

The last few decades show that.

They literally show the opposite. But since you clearly have never had to debate your right to exist, then you get to think it doesn't matter. Your indifference is a luxury not everyone gets, but I understand your blind spot. No matter what, YOUR rights won't change.

But one party, explicitly wants to ban my ability to seek health care, so my and many other peoples access to medicine WOULD change with a vote. Being indifferent to this simply isn't an option.

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Maybe you'll understand in a few years when you're old enough to vote.

I've voted for multiple presidents. It's kind of speaking from experience when you look at the results from past decades. What the fuck are you on about?

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