
3 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I'm Fleur, feminine guy trying out lemmy. Pronouns don't bother me use whatever you're comfortable with :)

My dream is to have a full body mirror that reflects a better background than gym equipment.

Because all robots are bisexual

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Curious about where this is

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Cool, thanks! :)

Her poor poor coworkers

Trains are cool, but industrial sabotage against authoritarian regimes is cooler

Gun fetishisation really do be the wildest shit

One might call it weird even

Where is the rest of the meme

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Man what the fuck are we even doing. Are the war-criminals at least going to be investigated as well? I can't believe this country, really wish things were different.

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What's even the point of having a democracy if the majority of the voter base is uninformed


Now I want socks like this

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If an amine wants me to accept a character as a minor they should have them act like minors. In the same way I don't accept the bullshit of "it's okay she's 1000 years old guys" I don't accept the bullshit of "it's not okay they're actually teenagers guys"

If a character looks, acts and is treated like an adult, in my interpretation of the story, they're an adult. Cannon be damned

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I only accept One Piece criticism from people who watched a thousand episodes and then determined it was dogshit. I have a PhD in why one piece is bad, source is I watched up until some point in wano

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Such a dystopian headline it's comedic

So you do something for no reason for the benefit of someone who is suffering while you are not suffering? How empathetic lmao

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When the shit post is agenda post 😔

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I don't honestly understand the "this group of people is the enemy thing."

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Ahhh I'm so scared, ahhh please don't be dominant and imposing towards me, ahhh noooooo

Most of the time I'm down, but if I'm in the mood I'm bottom

NO! If you do this you WILL die.

This is unbelievably bad taste

Edit: fuck, on second thought I think I just fell for ops bait lol

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They'll just make it illegal to do that lol. Realistically tho what else are we supposed to do, the technology exists. If you were dedicated enough you could already do this with Photoshop. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an example of an artist ruining someones reputation by painting them in a compromising way centuries ago

Bruh this one got me so good lmao

What the fuck this is awful how can you even defend this

It's mission critical that I remember the time I wore the wrong uniform to school on my first day of year 3.

Love that they clarified that the reason they stopped a racist policy was not in fact because they stopped being racist.

Life is suffering. Minecraft is my only escape

I need a scientist to determine if the mental health benefit of moving out versus the mental health crisis of having no money ever results in a net positive or negative multiplier on my mental health

What the fuck

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You can psy-op weak minded queers into believing in literally anything about themselves with this meme. It's the final boss of gaslighting

when no burger :(

I've been diagnosed. I did think that might be why, I can't really afford to see a doctor or psycologist though. I might ask around in the depression communiteis to see if anyone else has a similar experience.

Capitalism RUINED the printer

The reason you are post scarcity is because other people around the world are not. This imbalance in wealth is because of capitalism

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The letters are literally all there for you to see lmao

Mfers still "eating" 45mins after close be like

Without the caption this is a great shit post

I'm more attached to it then my real name

Things probably won't get better for everyone but they definitely won't get better for you. If the future you want is one where the world is better and you are healthier than what you have to do is get better and then just roll the dice on the world getting better.