What wouldn't you tell your loved ones, but you can tell people on the Internet?

My Password Is 1234@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 86 points –

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So you do something for no reason for the benefit of someone who is suffering while you are not suffering? How empathetic lmao

Wouldn't that just be sympathy?

Trivial distinction. they recognize someone is hurting. who started this whole symp/emp divide? it literally never comes up in counseling school

Who started this? Highschool level psych 101 classes. Its an easy distinction to teach kids about psychopathy/sociopathy but reality can be a little more nuanced. I also imagine that counseling is about treating emotionally damaged people with the idea they can improve mentally not instantly judging them 'oh well youre an unfeeling psychopath monster and always will be because you didn't have empathy for this person in this situation'