Why is swearing normal for some people?

VanHalbgott@lemmus.org to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 44 points –

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I disagree. Lots of swear words are just derogatory ways of referring to people. I don't think it should be normal for those words to be said

Well clearly you agree with me, not disagree, because you have a specific reason for why you think they shouldn't be used.

Secondly, you're misunderstanding what swear words are. It includes insults, but that isn't what a swear word is. Swear words at least as often don't even refer to people, as in "fuck! I stubbed my toe!" and "damn I'm late for work again". And in fact very often they're used as positive words, as in "shit i love that tv show!" and "that motherfucker really knows how to play the bass!"

You said the question should be backwards. I disagree

You think random words should be not said for no reason?

Also, you didn't respond to the main part of my point