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These aren't commie blocks, and they usually aren't replacing single family homes. They're most problematic when replacing older multi unit buildings, because they're taking low income housing and replacing it with housing only upper income people can afford (plus a couple low income units to say that they're trying). And they get tax breaks to do this gentrification, after years of neglecting the upkeep on the older buildings it's replacing.

Okay, I can get on board with saying fuck gentrification. But we need to be building a hell of a lot more of these than yet another shitty tract of single family homes just a few minutes' drive from the stroad to take you to big box mart.

You're not wrong. And to add to that the stupid building codes that lead to the type of small 500 sq ft condo unit with only one wall with windows and no air circulation. This article covers that well.

But all these condos, not only are they not human-sized and lack air cicrulation, most of them are fitted with luxury features to up the price beyond what regular folks can pay and don't leave any room for social housing.

There should be a law for mandatory social housing in these constructions.

They knocked down my neighborhood’s lower income grocery store to put up three on the one lot. Fuck these monstrosities.

The right way to do this was to have the entire lower floor become the grocery store and build sound proof residences over it.