I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America.

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 266 points –

The optometrist recommended seamless bifocals. I have a very painful nerve condition in my face (atypical trigeminal neuralgia), so this is what I need with glasses: the lightest weight frames possible- known as ultra light- with the lightest weight lenses possible and automatically darkening lenses so I don't need the weight of sunglasses. The cheapest frames brought the total to $250 on the site the insurance worked with.

The frames are $20 on the cheap site. Everything else in the cost is the lenses.

As for why I have to buy them online- I don't want anyone touching my face unless it's absolutely necessary. The exam was painful enough.

American for-profit healthcare is fucking awesome.


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I understand your frustration. This sucks major league. I know a fairly cheep German glasses company who ship worldwide (production for most glasses worldwide is Thailand, that's where the company gets their products as well). They've got a very generous refund policy as well. If you want to, I can pm you their website.


Unless they hiked up their prices or went out of business in the past 2 years, the link should be grand.

If you need help regarding navigation around the website or how to put in the data for the glasses, please let me know.

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