Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is killed in Iran by an alleged Israeli strike, threatening escalation

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 218 points –
Iran says Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran

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It's not Blood Libel if the actual government is doing it.

Antisemites have always believed this. This isn't new. The people who claimed Jews were intent on slaughtering non-Jewish children because they saw them as sub-human did also believe that wholeheartedly. It wasn't just a ruse.

Everyone rational has always believed this. The government of Israel is not the Jewish people any more than the government of ISIS was representative of Muslims.

Everyone rational has always believed this.

By openly identifying your endorsement of an ancient and false antisemitic trope, you've invalidated your right to have any opinion about anything.


You can wail and gnash your teeth all you want. The government of Israel will never represent Judaism.

Did you mean to reply to my comment? Not sure how that's relevant.

Anyway, you endorse a 1,500 year old antisemitic conspiracy theory, so I'm not sure why you think you deserve to be treated with respect or dignity.

If saying the government of Israel is not all of Judaism is blood libel then everything is blood libel and the label is meaningless.

Just to be clear then:

Are you claiming that the Jewish governing party, made up of Jewish individuals, in the Jewish State (Israel) are incapable of holding back their bloodlust to slaughter non-Jewish children on the basis that they see them as lesser than Jewish children?

Take a moment. Think about it. Because we both know that this is in fact what you have been claiming. And maybe you want to walk that back, and self-reflect, and think whether maybe you've gone wrong at some point in your justifiable attempt to seek justice for oppressed peoples.

At the point they're publicly calling those kids names while bombing them... Yes it's pretty clear they believe Palestinians are subhuman. And if that's blood libel then so is saying Hitler believed Jews to be sub human

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot commit genocide and tell the world they're the racists because they called you out.

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