Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore to politics – 649 points –
Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore

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My personal anecdote was not proof. It was letting you know that its common without data.

I dont thinknit was a lie. If it was, it was a pretty pointless one.

Youre clutching at straws and when you are askibgbfor evidence, but not asking, while spouting conspiracy theories, you don't make a good argument for anything.

I appreciate that you responded eight days later.

Federation issues it seems. I am getting your response now, another 7 days later.

A week delay makes meaningful participation impossible. As I'm on .world, my best guess is that a solution is best initiated by your instance's moderators. If you've not already then you should find the means to report.

The problem is world, I understand. Its too full. So its slow to federate with all others.

Thanks, but I prefer the concept of distribution, so happy to converse with all the other instances rather than just world.

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