Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI to – 2182 points –
Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI

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I doubt there's any actual AI in the LG product, it's just a marketing buzzword like they used to use the term 'smartwash'

Much like all the companies who used to market their headphones as "MP3 compatible".

It's just more marketing nonsense.

in terms of mp3 players, it may not all be marketing nonsense, I found that out while researching ipods/mp3 players for a friend. Typically since they are decidicated audio devices, they support better quality g formats/codecs then typical phones, so being mp3 compatible means it supports those higher qualities. The higher quality will still play on phones but, you just don't get that better quality.

I'm not talking about players, I specifically mentioned headphones. A pair of small speakers you stick on your ears.

yea, I'm just responding with the reason why it might not be, you can apply that entire post to headphones as well. Both need the capability to handle it. Just take a shitty 99 cent pair of earphones from Walmart vs the 150$ pair and you'll hear the difference

Saying MP3 compatible that it supports everything the MP3 player does where if it wasn't you might still have the audio but it wouldn't be as good

I'd be fairly certain the washing machine has a few sensors and a fairly simple computer program (designed by humans) that can make some limited adjustments to the wash cycle on the fly.

I've seen quite a few instances of stuff like that suddenly being called "AI" as that's the big buzzword now.

Interestingly, LG's AI Wash pre-dates the public release of ChatGPT by almost two years. Truly pioneers.

It's cause GenAI copoted AI. Before all the LLM nonsense most people where using Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) interchangeably.

I hated the use of AI before and now GenAI has made the whole thing 10x worse.