It's honestly good advice, but I much prefer original hardware when possible.

The Picard to – 587 points –

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Honestly, I will emulate almost all consoles EXCEPT N64…. This little weird Frankenstein console barely holds by a thread so most emulators can’t recreate its flaws and quirks correctly (which, funnily enough, are needed to run games smoothly)

PS2 emulators on the other hand, are FREAKING awesome!!! :D Live upscaled Battlefront 2 is GREAT!!

What about an FPGA for running the original game cartridges? Such as the Analogue 3D when that eventually releases. Quirks and all included as it becomes the N64. It even supports Bluetooth controllers too and 4k or CRTs.

If it works well, I’m all for it! 😁

(In the past years I’ve seen too many hyped projects just crash on release, so I’ll be observing the progress but I won’t be praising something that’s not even out yet)

This is true, but Analogue has a great reputation already in this space from their other products so I am hopeful.

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