'You're blowing it': Trump's fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 467 points –
'You're blowing it': Trump's fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping

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I have to go to work and don't really have anything else to comment, so I'll leave by saying that I appreciated having a civil discussion with you. I'll also say that I'm noticing you are getting downvoted but no one else seems to be responding, which frustrates me. I get that it's easier to just downvoted opinions you don't agree with, but it's more productive to have civil conversations I feel.

the lemmyverse was created by leftists to be a safe space for leftists views, but lemmy.world doesn't tolerate leftists views well; it's the oddball of the lemmyverse and it's to be expected.