My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? to No Stupid – 316 points –

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They have kinda always been a thing. Nazi's were just one flavor of nationalist, after all.

Charles de Gaulle defined nationalism best: "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first."

For most people, it's extremely easy to blame others for problems of their own creation. By the same token, people who can't see their own shortcomings will also usually latch on to leaders who are able to amplify that bias. For the Nazis, it was mostly against the jews.

Also, what you are seeing in the news is partially amplified by the news itself but also, politicians are getting more brazen in mustering the support of those groups. This has lead to people being a little more open about something that needs to stay taboo, IMHO.

These leaders all make the same promise:

Whatever is wrong in your life is not your fault, nor is it even the fault of random chance/fate/god/what have you. It not no one’s fault either. There is a clear, definable enemy called X. X is the problem, and if we just deal with X, then you will have the life you dream of. I will make sure X never hurts you again.

Another interesting property of fascists is how their "enemy" is described in lurid but contradicting ways that don't make any sense when you think about it for more than half a second.

One minute, the "enemy" is described as weak, pathetic, disgusting, sub-human, sickly, cowardly, stupid little losers who can't punch out of a wet paper bag. The next minute, the "enemy" is described as threatening, all-seeing, clever, oppressive, bold and brazen, powerful, influential, dominating the government, ruining people's lives, etc.

It's maddening. And some people are absolute suckers for it.

Like Schroedinger's Immigrant. At all times he is stealing your job and a lazy, jobless, criminal.

Well shit, that's a much shorter and better way to put it.

We need to spend more research funds observing these immigrants to collapse them into a single state!