My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? to No Stupid – 316 points –

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They weren't all executed, that's the deal

So when do we get to where we stop considering them human?

I wanna go to a theme park where they have trapped Nazis that we practice throwing knives at, or practice killing multiple with one grenade toss or something.

Edit: Upon further thought, I would amend the wording. Considering them human works, but universally thought of as how do the kids say it now "the worst timeline" version of humans. One to be removed. Like a literal cancer. Other than having a clear example of what the worst looks like, they serve no purpose or benefit to anyone else, and can universally be denied rights and consideration.

We're better than they are. We don't dehumanize people. We can still execute them, but we acknowledge that humanity is capable of awful shit and always strive to be better.

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