The Right-Wing Campaign to Purge Women From Women’s Sports

Arthur to World – 468 points –
The Right-Wing Campaign to Purge Women From Women’s Sports

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Boxing has weight classes. As do most other martial arts.

The problem is not a 50kg men fighting a 70kg women in terms of injuries and power imbalance. And in that set up the women most likely wins. The problem is the typical situation of a 80-100 kg men smacking down on a 50-60kg women. And that is the image the demagogues try to conjure.

So if your full blown men is a 60kg feather to be able to compete against another 60kg women, the whole trope falls apart.

A man with the same body weight as a woman would still inherently have more upper body strength and higher ability to gain it as that's just how men are built vs women. It's still not a fair way of setting intersex classes.

I mean if they're doing the exact same rigor and type of training, eating the exact same diet, have had the exact same level of boxing experience and fought the exact same opponents at the same skill level, then yes there would be an advantage to whoever is assigned male

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