Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover

vegeta@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 487 points –
Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover

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Suing your former customers, now there's a way to make people want to do business with you!

I assume these companies being sued follow standard procedure, which is that everything freezes the moment a lawsuit starts. It's pretty much a guarantee that these companies halt spending, let alone even communicate, with X

It's also common to re-evaluate business deals after major acquisitions. Musk buying Twitter dramatically changes the business perception, and that's what matters to advertisers. Twitter can't even begin to try and claim it doesn't, just look at Musk's tweets leading into it and directly after. The entire purpose of his purchase was to fundamentally change it, he said so himself.