Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover

vegeta@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 487 points –
Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover

Suing your former customers, now there's a way to make people want to do business with you!

I assume these companies being sued follow standard procedure, which is that everything freezes the moment a lawsuit starts. It's pretty much a guarantee that these companies halt spending, let alone even communicate, with X

It's also common to re-evaluate business deals after major acquisitions. Musk buying Twitter dramatically changes the business perception, and that's what matters to advertisers. Twitter can't even begin to try and claim it doesn't, just look at Musk's tweets leading into it and directly after. The entire purpose of his purchase was to fundamentally change it, he said so himself.

Free markets do what free markets do. Suck it up, Musky Boy.

Such a free speech absolutist. Wanting the government to compel companies to pay to speak on the private platform that he owns. Some real Trickle down free speech

Oh, you misheard - he doesn't like "free speech", he likes "freeze peach" - just a big fan of Super Mario. And Nazis - don't forget how much he loves Nazis

So saying “Fuck you” to them and then suing? What a buffoon.

Looking forward to watching his meltdown alongside Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies.

Would that be the same Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that has won the Republican Party primary for President three times in a row and is pushing for Project 2025 that was basically written by his former White House staff to be his platform when he's President but he has never heard of them? Same guy?

Yup, same weirdo that claims to be a christian too, even though he paid a porn star for sex while his pregnant wife was at home. Another core value that I'm sure speaks to cult45. You know them as the mouthbreathers that wear the red hat dunce caps that are made in china.

Plenty of Christians use prozzies, I think even Big J visited one or two so he could, ahem, wash their feet

In related news, Musk filed separate suits against the sororities from his university for an "illegal boycott" against dating him.

I wonder why...

Wasn't there a text with this image?

Something about bodies being buried, and asking the reader to pray to not add to it?

Just maximum levels of wannabe edgy cringe, and he looks like he's over 20.

I personally like:

I can be your devil...or your angle.

My god, this is Advertising Incel

I too would like to sue the advertisers for boycotting my Breaking Bad erotic fan fiction page. That includes you Musk. I expect Twitter to start sending the checks next month. Or I guess I'll see you in court.

Damn, I can't afford a legal battle. Sending my check right now. Could you uhh provide me with a link to your website strictly for b2b purposes of course

World Federation of Advertisers

There are no good guys in this fight.

Musk posted about the lawsuit on X on Tuesday, saying “now it is war” after two years of being nice and “getting nothing but empty words.”

Stop sounding like my mom with Borderline Personality Disorder.

In November 2023, about a year after Musk bought the company, a number of advertisers began fleeing X over concerns about their ads showing up next to pro-Nazi content and hate speech on the site in general, with Musk inflaming tensions with his own posts endorsing an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Musk later said those fleeing advertisers were engaging in “blackmail” and, using a profanity, essentially told them to go away.

And they did. Now fuck off.

Ah yes, suing over a boycott. Totally legal and smart. Why hasn't anyone ever done that before.

  1. Ruin a popular site at a blistering pace driving away users.
  2. Criticize advertisers for also leaving and tell them to leave if they don't like step 1.
  3. Sue said advertisers for leaving.
  4. No one wants to advertise with you.
  5. Surprise pikachu.jpg

Did I miss anything?

the lawsuit stemmed in part from evidence uncovered by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee

Real evidence, or another Gym Jordan special?

He get this idea from his parents writing a letter to his school demanding other kids to be friends with him?

Don't be silly.

Parents writing that letter, while misguided, is still them trying to protect their child, and so has an element of selflessness, and their hearts are in the right place.

This is like him PERSONALLY threatening people for not being friends with him, which is way creepier and unsettling.

So any entity that does something stupid that makes companies not want to associate with them anymore can sue for damages caused by their own mistake?

This is either very stupid or some 6-D chess move to make millions. Hmm...

Also, free market as long as it's profitable for you, right?

can sue

Of course they can.

Successfully? Probably not.

Well he probably wont and is just running his mouth bigging himself up for his idiotic cult fanbase, if he does sue I am guessing it gets thrown out with prejudice, because what fucking merit would a case like this have?

Elon you can't get anywhere by whining. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get to work. Sheesh. Youngsters these days are so lazy.

Not fair, he's already made billions from (everybody else's) hard labor!

The company formerly known as Twitter

Love it. Not the point but it is still funny to me that Elon renamed the company and the world revolted.

Oh shit, is he also going to sue me because I stopped using Twitter since he took over? TIL it's illegal to stop using Elon's products.

The Belgium-based World Federation of Advertisers and representatives for CVS, Orsted, Mars and Unilever didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday.

Good luck trying to sue a foreign organization for refusing to do business with your US-based company.

I wasn't aware you can sue your customers when they decide to not give you their business anymore.

Imagine Walmart suing people, because they shop somewhere else now. Or your plumber because you called someone else to unclog your toilet.

It doesn't sound like Musk is suing them because they broke any contracts, just that several big advertiser spoke to each other and decided not to renew contracts because of rising antisemitism, hate speach and fake news.

I mean, I tell people for 30 years not to buy Nestlé products because of their disregard for human rights. Can Nestlé now sue me too?

I’m really straining to see what he’s even suing for and on what grounds. He surely thinks he has some kind of case - what is it? He’s suing them for antitrust conspiracy? But that would only make sense to do against another ad platform, not advertisers themselves. I know I’m supposed to just say “he’s stupid this is stupid” but my brain has trouble letting go of the idea that he must be thinking something here, yet I can’t tell for the life of me what it is.

With how politically involved he wants to be now with his ridiculous and probably illegal PAC, it wouldn't surprise me if this was a stunt to eclipse Kamala's VP pick announcement.

What, only he gets to be delulu? Hold my tinfoil hat, fam.