Biden 'not confident' of peaceful transition if Trump loses to – 670 points –
Biden 'not confident' of peaceful transition if Trump loses

US President Joe Biden has said he is not confident there will be a peaceful transition of power if Donald Trump loses the presidential election in November.

"[Trump] means what he says, we don’t take him seriously. He means it, all this stuff about ‘if we lose it will be a bloodbath’.”

Mr Trump’s comment that it would “be a bloodbath for the country” if he loses the election, made as he was talking about the auto industry in March, triggered a wave of criticism.

The Trump campaign, however, said the comment was specifically about the auto industry and had been deliberately taken out of context. It sent a fundraising email which said Trump’s political opponents and others had been "viciously" misquoting him.


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The goal posts, you move them sir.

That was always my point, idk what youre saying

That you're moving the goal posts?

That ranked choice voting should only be implemented when the electoral system isn’t a broken mess?

Your problem is not with Ranked Choice voting. Your issue is with the fact that you're jaded with the political system that you're in.

Lmfao okay, well jump from crazed whataboutism to just plain insults, but I’m not wrong in my interpretation. If Citizens United wasnt around, if SCOTUS was different, if so many other things. But implementing RC without them is a death sentence

You brought up whataboutism.

How is your jaded view an insult?

You have strong opinions about a country's politics that you don't live in.

If it wasn't a broken mess, why would anyone be wanting to change it?

How can people not see that given the current context, ranked choice pools only worsen the chances of progressives even being on the ticket.

Your doubts are your own. You haven't convinced anyone.

As if that was ever going to happen, everyone can wrap themselves in their solutions all they want. We’re long past fucked anyway

Ok doomer. Go fuck off if none of this matters.

Why even comment if everyone must agree? Shitty leftists are shitty, next at 11.

Nope, that's not even close to the mark.

Oh it’s not? All I say is “maybe we shouldn’t allow corporations to literally buy all the politicians” and all of you people are like “i like it when bought politicians are legitimized by ranks”. If the shit-tier links presented above are enough to wholly sway you in implementing RC voting before securing your election system via delegitimizing legal bribery, then go ahead and listen. I simply presented an opposing opinion, one that is quite literally in line with the current status quo. You’re the ones out here trying to convince me. But whatever. Bots.

False again

Edit: I get it, this is one of the first time in your life when you thought you would step out and show everyone your brilliant ideas. That's good, but you need to learn that being contrarian isn't just opposing all external view points. Contrarians are only useful when they use rigor and data to expose weaknesses in any course of action. Hurling accusations at people is not an argument, or at least a very convincing one.

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