What vm software you use on linux

Read bio@thelemmy.club to Linux@lemmy.ml – 82 points –

I use vmware and qemu


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None, I use Docker for Linux, and Proton (Heroic) for Windows.

But if I had to pick a virtual machine: libvirt with virt-manager as a frontend, which uses KVM for virtualization.

From my other comment:

Then I created a Docker image with Linux, Gnome, and novnc so I can spin one up instantly with little resource overhead and control it from any web browser.

Maybe I should release my Dockerfile.

I might actually be interested. It's like a lightweight alternative to Proxmox?

Sort of, Proxmox does use noVNC I think, but it's a lot of overhead. This is just a docker command. I've finally put a page up for it: https://nowsci.com/webbian/

I didn't understand that you ran it without hardware virtualization. This is really convenient, thanks a lot for making it!

But if I had to pick a virtual machine: libvirt with virt-manager as a frontend, which uses KVM for virtualization.

Its fair bcs vmware workstation does not support gpu passthrough libvirt with virt-manager is the only way

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Correct me I'd I'm wrong, but with docker you're limited to the filesyatems and the image of the OS you're installing. If you need to experiment with the pre-OS boot events, can that even be accomplished with docker? E.g., trying out different GRUB settings, setting up LUKS with dropbear etc. I think those things require a VM.

Yeah, you are correct. Docker shares the kernel with the host operating system, it doesn't use hardware virtualization. That's why it's so fast and simple, but it also means it's not a traditional VM and thus comes with some limitations.

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Can virt-manager boot windows boxes?

Absolutely, it's also made way easier with quickemu, allows you to spin up a properly configured Windows VM with pretty much no effort

Yeah, though there's some commandline shenanigans to get a tpm shim set up if you want it for windows 11

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