Am I the only one that thinks we should have dedicated buttons for copy/paste on keyboards? to Ask – 230 points –

I was just reading this thread...

...and it got me thinking about something that I've wanted for a long time. Why is it that keyboards have not evolved to have dedicated copy/paste keys left of the main board? I'd love to see an additional column of keys left of Esc->Ctrl configurable as macros at least. I do a lot of copy/paste for work. The current shortcuts arent terrible or anything but they're not exactly comfortable. I'd rather move my whole hand to the left for a macro key than contort to hit the current shortcut.

What do you think?


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It's a bit awkward to do a basic action

Is this a joke? It's so easy. What would be better?

Not everyone has the same hands.

Well sure, some people have no hands and need a completely different way to input keys. But I figure we weren't talking about the exception, and you didn't actually answer the follow-up question.

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