Trump rolls out bonkers Harris plane conspiracy—but photographer disproves it to politics – 343 points –
Trump Rolls Out Bonkers Harris Plane Conspiracy—but Photographer Disproves It

Former President Donald Trump continued his obsession with crowd size on Sunday, claiming photos that showed a large crowd outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ Detroit rally last week were AI-generated. But one photographer who was in attendance confirmed to the Daily Beast that the images his camera captured were very real.


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Every Democrat I know that voted for her, including myself, fucking hated her as a nominee. Do you honestly believe that Hillary Clinton is popular? That's like, demonstrably false

According to the primaries she was. In fact, according to the primaries she was nearly in the general for 2008. What's your data for demonstrably false? Certainly something more concrete than "me and my pals weren't pleased."

You'd have to be intentionally obtuse to believe she was likable. Just Google "Hillary Clinton likability", this isn't some revelation. I won't cite you a single source, because there's such an overwhelming multitude of sources, articles, polls, etc. if you are really at the point of "show me the data proving Hillary Clinton's unlikability", then you're already ignoring mountains of data and won't bat an eye at any source I send you. But feel free to Google it, it's been documented extensively over the last decade.

"There's a lot, people are saying." Okay, thank you.

whaddya know. you were proven wrong, it was insanely easy to prove, and you disappeared rather than admit you were wrong. I'm sure for years you'll be telling people how likable Hillary Clinton is. I bet you also love to rip on conservatives for being low-information, obstinate voters who won't change their minds when presented with evidence. :)

Disappeared? You are behaving like a child because someone asked you for data. I hope you can figure out how to control your rage someday.

I have very little patience for willful ignorance.

"The sky is orange and you can't prove otherwise."

"You're dumb."

"You can't find the data because it doesn't exist. The sky is orange."

Incorrect. You have endless patience for your own willful ignorance and refusal to look at real numbers instead of your feelings.

:D lol ignore that data more, chuckles

Nah, I think I'll look at the data, now that I have a minute.

Here's Clinton favorability among Dems 2016. 77-78% late in the campaign.

Dems did prefer Obama. Different poll and different questions but 88% of Dems chose Obama over McCain and 92% of Dems claimed they were excited for Obama. Give him the middle at 90%?

Here's Biden '20. Adding enthusiastic to satisfied is 91%. I don't know if that counts, elsewhere in the poll you can see a huge number of people were primarily voting against Donald.

And Harris in late July looks like 83% with Dems. Again a different poll. Hopefully she's more like 90% with Dems in a November instead of near 80% (which we know is reviled by literally everyone from your "people are saying" assertions).

Difficult to find and compare even measures this similar, and the numbers don't really support you. That's why you didn't want to check.

That's why you didn't want to check.

I did check, found the sources proved my point, and refused to spoonfeed you.

You cherry-picked data in an attempt to make your point, but just....proved mine? Harris has a likability problem too, and she's already at a 5 point advantage over Clinton's peak, what 3 weeks into her campaign?

Biden and Obama with 13-14% advantages? That qualifies as wildly different.

I wanted to see the data with the Dem voters to corroborate your claim that everyone hated her. I don't really care to see across all adults after months of Donald's cultists chanting "lock her up." I also wanted to compare to other campaigns to see what "normal" numbers should be.

You couldn't find anything of the sort. You're still posting data across all demographics. And you were furious about it all for some reason, also.

Yes, I agree Obama and Biden were wildly different with numbers like that. Obama was a huge win, +8 Senate and +21 House. I guess we'd agree 90% is probably above average popular.

Is 78% far, far below average? I don't know. You certainly don't know either, you haven't looked for anything because they might run contrary to your biases.

I guess I must have struck a nerve, for you to keep trying "no you're the one who won't research, you're biased!" Truth hurts, bucko. I like that you're admitting you're wrong (like a big boy!) and I was right, but still attempting to say that I didn't know I was right. Flawless logic. Have a nice life.

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"I refuse to even Google this because I know i'll be INSTANTLY proven wrong", keep sticking your head in the sand buddy

I don't think I'm any better than you are at searching. You worked at it for a while and found nothing. I'll accept that.

All the way through 2018 Hillary had very poor favorability ratings. ^[1] It's hard to find like-for-like favorability measurements made recently, but according to YouGov she does seem to have slightly rebounded over the past couple of years.^[2]

The subject of Clinton hate is enough of a topic that multiple books have been written on it, both in defense of Clinton and in prosecution.^[3]


I'm kinda wondering about their claim regarding 2016. On that first link if we look at the breakdown with just Dems she was like 75-90 around November. IDK if 75 disastrously low for a Dem candidate?

I'm still dubious at the idea that everyone hates her and always has. And of course still dubious that voters hate Hillary Clinton so much having her speak on one's behalf would cost their support.

And of course still dubious that voters hate Hillary Clinton so much having her speak on one's behalf would cost their support.

I can see it. It's the young voters: the ones currently driving the Harris wave. They don't like the old, they had no interest in Biden and were old enough to absorb anti-Hillary sentiment through osmosis during 2016. The campaign now is new, feels fresh and hip. For once they have a candidate they can relate to. And what do they see when they tune into the DNC - which should be a hypefest? Stuffy old establishment Dems, including much-maligned Hillary. That to me sounds like a great way to take some wind out of the sails of the campaign.

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