Anybody Know Of Any Foss AI Logo Generators? to Ask – 24 points –

I'm trying to find one that I can use for free but they all charge between $40-$100 for an AI generated logo! I just want one for a company in my Starfinder game!


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In the professional graphic design world, a logo isn't just an "icon".

Any graphic designer worth his/her salt first asks some questions, gets to know the type of business, what the owner wants to convey, etc... and then creates something that reflects that. It's why illustrator software will usually have a sort of "scratch board" functionality, where you can quickly develop various iterations until you get to the one that says what you want it to say.

Generating a shitty AI logo not only denigrates actual iconography, but cheapens the professionals who struggle in that field every day as their own work get's less and less appreciated.

Rant over...

It's for a tabletop roleplaying game, I ain't hiring a professional lol.

No no. I get that. My rant was more about the existence of A.I logo creators in general. A soulless program can't create anything except soulless icons, which is not what a professional logo is about.

Grab a copy of Adobe Illustrator from the high seas then and do it yourself. Vector graphics are actually pretty easy so long as you aren't trying to make anything too complex.