What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen someone driving do?

jqubed@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 169 points –

My kid’s just finished the classroom part of driver education and it prompted a discussion of crazy things we’ve seen other drivers do.

The craziest thing I saw, many years ago now, was I came up behind a guy driving a Ford Ranger pickup and could see through his rear window that he was doing tricep extensions with a dumbbell in his right hand. I was more surprised as I passed to see he was shaving with an electric razor in his left hand. I don’t really know how he was steering.

Kiddo said they were told personal grooming was the fourth leading cause of accidents.


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Late '70s, on a winding paved backroad heading into town, a smaller car coming in the opposite direction lost traction (a light, misty rain had just gone through) and rolled twice in a field before landing upright.

My buddy and I quickly pulled over and ran towards the car to make sure everything was alright.

They drove off before we got to them...

Ok.......I want THAT car!!! Forget airbags, and modern safety standards. This dude rolls his car TWICE and just drives off.

Ya, iirc, it was something like a Datsun or Toyota compact car, which were a lot smaller and fragile than today's compacts.

This is one of those events that you chalk up to pure luck.

Crazy luck, 70s imports in the US were very fragile. buddy lost a wheel and most of his suspension hitting a curb in a cvcc.