Elon Musk draws fire for playing down impact of America’s atomic bombing of Japan: ‘Not as scary as people think’

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 506 points –
Elon Musk draws fire for playing down impact of America’s atomic bombing of Japan

Elon and Trump make the worst possible argument for nuclear power I have ever heard:

"Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed but now they are full cities again," the multibillionaire owner of Tesla, SpaceX and X said.

"That's great, that's great," Mr Trump responded.

"It is not as scary as people think, basically," Mr Musk added.

They joked about nuclear power facing a “branding problem”.

“We will have to rebrand it,” the former president told Mr Musk. “We will name it after you or something.”


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Elon Musk the self-proclaimed engineer is also totally disregarding that a nuclear bomb does a whole lot more than knock down buildings. A tactical neutron bomb might level 4 city blocks but only an idiot would correlate how easy it is to rebuild with relative safety. Nobody would want to be within 200 miles of that

I'm beginning to think this Musk guy isn't as smart as he lets on...

You'd already know that if you hear him talk about something you have knowledge about. He is spewing bullshit so confidently, only a layman would think it sounds logical.

But to hammer it home.

Elon has a degree in Economics. He tried to go for Physics as well but he wasn't smart enough.

Only 2 year after he left school did he get a degree, when the school received a big donation. He just bought his degree.

Didn't stop him from claiming he got the degree during those 2 years either. He even got sued for that.

Fuck, it's always worse than you already knew. What a phoney.