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My only interpretation is that Trump is basically senile grandpa at thanksgiving dinner making a gay jab at someone for having 2 pierced ears. I don't even get how he could genuinely and sincerely mix this up

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But like, if you were running for president and about to speak to a crowd you'd probably low key phone half-pull and google the name and do the glance, right? Like 'what city am I even in' type shit, Trump is beyond dumb

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JD has a really weird fixation on cats. Cat ladies, grilling cats, cats cats cats. Has JD ever bummed a cat? We'll never know but it makes me wonder

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The day of a new patch in WoW I said in general chat "wow, they finally put a confirmation when you type /gquit , crazy how long it took" and sit in town and watch peoples guild names disappear

I've never been rear ended but then I bought my G37 and it was suddenly happening on a yearly basis. In the span of one year, I had a truck back into it when it was parked in our parking lot, got rear ended in traffic, then had a car reverse into me at a stop sign (driver pulled forward to make a turn but decided they couldn't make it so threw it in reverse and gunned it). I may have been rear ended a second time that year but it's hard to keep track of how many people drove into this car. After a while I quit making claims because that was a pain in the ass, bumpers look like I use it to nudge cars around a junkyard.

Edit: and the thing that makes the frequency really wild is that I used it mainly to commute ~2 miles to work, so I was in that thing less than 30 minutes a day

Advisors in meeting: "We have a clear path to 270 as long as they focus on single issue voters who care most ab-"

Trump interrupts everyone to talk about how boring this meeting is, invites everyone to order McDonald's with him.

JD rubs chin pensively, thinking about a single issue to focus on, something easy which does not involve walking into a donut shop

You and Disney agree to resolve, by binding individual arbitration as provided below, all Disputes (including any related disputes involving The Walt Disney Company, its subsidiaries, or its affiliates)

I have a hard time believing Disney could convince anyone that a death from a food allergy is even tangentially related to a streaming subscription. Probably one of those bad faith efforts to drag it out and incur huge fees for the plaintiff in hopes of settling

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I sit in the back of my car in the parking ramp on my lunch break, throw my Nintendo Switch on a seatback headrest mount, and play Diablo II like I'm flying first class. First time I've ever had something with 4 doors and I'm using every damn door

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He said the schools' names are a reminder of local history

Bro, it is a school, it quite literally exists to teach people things like that

and that the process to change their names didn’t account for everyone’s views, because pandemic-era restrictions made it challenging for people who opposed the change to attend school board meetings where the votes took place.

It was only challenging, specifically for you, because you referred to a mask a 'face diaper'. You were not disenfranchised, you are an idiot

Because some in the south have a hard time recognizing that they've lost

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As a Minnesotan who pops gummies every night, I can safely say I have no idea how many leaves are on a marijuana, but a maple is 3 points with 3 points on each of them and 2 teeny tiny little legs at the bottom

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They assaulted someone for doing their job. Not just anyone - a federal employee protected under 18 USC 111, on account of that federal employee's performance of their duties, in violation of 18 USC 111, and then make a statement acting like they're the reasonable party in this incident.

i'd say they act like a bunch of 8 year old bullies but most kids are wise enough not to draw this kind of heat

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Female Trump supporters are gonna be in for a shock when they realize 'bringing back the 50s' doesn't mean wearing cute aprons and letting pies cool on window sills but instead means they're sitting in a police station for driving while female while cops are sorting out why they had a couple hundred bucks cash on hand

I don't know how he could even change course without digging a deeper hole. There's no way he can possibly convince people that he's not an overtly racist nincompoop without saying something overtly racist and coming off sounding like a nincompoop. We've seen him try and try again

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I can feel it trickling down and it's unpleasantly warm

key word is 'or'. You can be President if you're a natural born citizen, and they're suggesting that in order to be a natural born citizen one must prove that at some point in their family's history, two citizens produced offspring on each side of the family.

Which is absolutely bonkers because there are probably a hundred million white people in America that have no fucking clue if their great-great-great grandparents or great-great-great-great grandparents obtained citizenship. Someone's citizenship is illegitimate until proven otherwise with this kind of reasoning. We're gonna need a bigger prison system lol, maybe convert the western half of Iowa into an open-air detention center? The implications are hilarious to me

He also drew attention to Kamala wearing a necklace worth ~50k saying she's out of touch with working class Americans as if Trump doesn't have gilded bathrooms and a private jet. Really weird angle trying to get us to focus on sex offenders and frivolous expense

Either that or some feeble attempt at a dog whistle, like how he's openly speculated about her ethnicity, ie 'her given name is Harris but surely she has a different last name' type birther bullshit rambling

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So, in other words, the burden of proof in regard to citizenship would be on the citizen in question, and they'd have to show at which point in their genealogical history both parents were citizens and had a child? Sounds totally not messy at all

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For one, pharma is hugely profitable

This is just like Uber and Lyft threatening to pull out of markets when the taxes go up a bit. The horror, they'll have slightly shittier margins and can't survive with slightly less profit

I would be not at all surprised if the supreme court inadvertently abolished slander and libel by overturning this decision

It's almost like he's a sociopath and doesn't really understand things like bravery, but he understands that other people do see the merit, enough to try to rationalize why he sees no value in it

Enacts a bunch of draconian bullshit that cause homeless to move 10 miles away

"We fixed homelessness!"

I think suspending the dividend is worse than the layoffs for INTC, since it used to be a boring boomer blue chip divvy type thing to hold and DRIP

I'm probably an ideal candidate for something like this but I'd much rather have someone walk me through setting my own thing up, rather than them handing me a bunch of preconfigured stuff that leaves me just as clueless.

If it came bundled around a bunch of DIY guides explaining the hows and the whys, it'd be far more appealling

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Elon Musk the self-proclaimed engineer is also totally disregarding that a nuclear bomb does a whole lot more than knock down buildings. A tactical neutron bomb might level 4 city blocks but only an idiot would correlate how easy it is to rebuild with relative safety. Nobody would want to be within 200 miles of that

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I'm wondering if big corporations like Target etc underestimated the impact of tech illiterate warming up to online shopping due to COVID. People poring over old data and thinking that most people would simply deal with the inconvenience, but it turns out most people are more comfortable just using Amazon now than 5 years ago

Trump's idea of the economy: we'll put money in people's pocket with checks and tax cuts and fund it all with deficit spending and rage at the fed for not having negative interest rates as if all of those things could coexist peacefully. And then we'll rage at countries that are our largest imports and lob triple digit tariffs at them just to see if something good comes out of it. And we'll do this all via Twitter because I'm in a golf cart

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The first patient had a bunch of wires dislodge but according to the company they're 'more or less stable' after some revisions, so it sounds like a typical Musk product ready for mass production lol


"All-cause mortality" simply means death from all (or any) causes.

So for smokers, you got a buttload of people with this thing in common, and rather than look specifically at something like deaths from lung cancer, you take a step back and look at deaths from anything. And then go in and try to find correlations and help to understand those correlations.

It's kind of a chicken and egg scenario, because some of those causes might not be from smoking, but from a person's proclivity to smoke.

For example, smokers might possibly be more impulsive than non-smokers (generally speaking) and there might be a higher risk of motor vehicle fatalities in the smoker group, but the cause wouldn't be smoking, it'd be underlying behavioral differences that would make someone more likely to smoke.

It's basically looking at mortality from a distance as opposed to looking at very specific things up close (but with the data it lets people zoom in on everything)

Firefox with NoScript is better than any adblocker I used. It blocks the 'disable adblocker' popups alongside ads and most sketchy shit in general

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With a 10% rate of return money doubles every 7 years, rule of 72. With wages being pretty damn flat eventually people won't be able to afford things on income but on wealth because that's the only thing that's tracking alongside property valuations. Edit: basically peak capitalism

It's transmitted by mosquitoes so good luck dodging that. Most infections are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms so if anything, he got diagnosed simply by being who he is and having a social circle which is mostly medical professionals. Probably got a headache and decided to scratch an intellectual itch by getting tested, not much to it

Only if you have conviction. Buying tech in the face of recession fears is one thing, but buying tech that supplies hardware to tech is another. It'll probably sound like a whip cracking if the AI frenzy ever collapses hard

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Kinda weird to saunter onstage during a sappy love ballad. Maybe he's just missing JD

Hold up, so I can just stand still in a room for >30 seconds to sync the timing, then spin in a circle for 32 seconds, then sprint right up to the camera and rip it off the wall?

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Useless, or cruel and malicious? A lot of what they did seems to have been in bad faith

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AI sure is gonna be weird if we preface any question involving dimensions with some dumb arbitrary scale as reference.

Depending on trim and accessories, the 2025 Chevrolet Silverado weighs anywhere from 1454 to 1533 watermelons

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But still you think with how much control they want over other people, you'd think that no one would even have a chance at social engineering. Some gestapo-style blacklist intranet work email setup with a bunch of interns poring over every single little thing that gets stuck in the filter

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It'd be a little harder for a lot of civilians to be indifferent towards this whole war if it saunters up and starts banging on their front door

Edit: it's a metaphor. Dude asked how 3-4 bombs would end the war and most things in a war aren't meant to outright end it. Right now the whole thing is 'out of sight out of mind' for most people but if targeted strikes on infrastructure hit local news you bet you're ass it'd be demoralizing