Trump bizarrely claims nobody knows his Democratic rival’s last name (it’s Harris) to politics – 516 points –
Trump oddly claims during Montana rally no one knows Kamala Harris’s last name

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Either that or some feeble attempt at a dog whistle, like how he's openly speculated about her ethnicity, ie 'her given name is Harris but surely she has a different last name' type birther bullshit rambling

Yeah, a kind of "where are you really from originally?" bullshit that most non-white people will have been asked at some point.

Which is crazy, because her Jamaican father is named Donald Harris (she didn't take her husband's surname), so if you actually follow Trump's breadcrumb and investigate Kamala Harris' lineage, you find a family name that is actually more common and more Anglo than Trump's last name (the anglicised version of the German "Drumpf").

Between that and him faking being Swedish, his family sure doesn't want to be known as German.