Trump bizarrely claims nobody knows his Democratic rival’s last name (it’s Harris) to politics – 516 points –
Trump oddly claims during Montana rally no one knows Kamala Harris’s last name

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“Kamala Harris. You know it’s interesting nobody really knows her last name,” he said.

“If you ask people, do you know what her last name is, nobody has any idea what it is,” continued the former president. “Harris. It’s like Harris.”

“I don’t know, how the hell did this happen?”

Is this a sign of dementia? Any doctor can confirm?

Either that or some feeble attempt at a dog whistle, like how he's openly speculated about her ethnicity, ie 'her given name is Harris but surely she has a different last name' type birther bullshit rambling

Yeah, a kind of "where are you really from originally?" bullshit that most non-white people will have been asked at some point.

Which is crazy, because her Jamaican father is named Donald Harris (she didn't take her husband's surname), so if you actually follow Trump's breadcrumb and investigate Kamala Harris' lineage, you find a family name that is actually more common and more Anglo than Trump's last name (the anglicised version of the German "Drumpf").

Between that and him faking being Swedish, his family sure doesn't want to be known as German.

Definitely not something a person of sound mind would come up with.

I'm not a doctor, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn last night. But no real medical professional would ever publicly confirm any actual diagnosis due to HIPPA concerns. What save you also saves him.

But, feel free to speculate all you want to. HIPPA doesn't cover speculation by non-medical people.

**Edit for missing words. Need more tea.

Her husbands last name is Emhoff. Maybe he is referring to that? If Lemmy can't understand him, what chance does his base?

Is it a compulsory that a married female take on the male last name? Am from Asia and this isn't practiced at all.

It's not compulsory though it's widely practiced and probably used to be required for certain marriage arrangements.

It's becoming less common and many women will hyphenate their last name after marrying now.

Back in the 1960s maybe. Even then professional woman rarely changed.