Reggaeton star Nicky Jam deletes endorsement after Donald Trump misgendering to politics – 507 points –
Reggaeton Star Misgendered by Trump Deletes Endorsement

Reggaeton star Nicky Jam seems to be rolling back his support for Donald Trump after the Republican nominee mistakenly introduced him as a “hot” woman at a Las Vegas rally over the weekend.

Jam initially made light of the gaffe in an Instagram post—its caption referred to himself, in Spanish, as a “hot woman,” accompanied by no fewer than 22 crying-laughing emojis. But, as of Sunday night, the post had been deleted. The comment section on his most recent post before it, which was unrelated to Trump, was also deactivated.

Jam’s Trump endorsement, amplified by the buzz surrounding the awkwardly inaccurate rally introduction, has made him the subject of relentless criticism—and mockery—across the internet.

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My only interpretation is that Trump is basically senile grandpa at thanksgiving dinner making a gay jab at someone for having 2 pierced ears. I don't even get how he could genuinely and sincerely mix this up

It's because he's stupid. And he has no idea who Nicky Jam is. (I don't either)

But like, if you were running for president and about to speak to a crowd you'd probably low key phone half-pull and google the name and do the glance, right? Like 'what city am I even in' type shit, Trump is beyond dumb

This dementia patient became notorious for failing to spell "coverage" way back when he still had the occasional good day. He isn't searching around for a damn thing.

Lmfao. Like trump knows how to “google” anything.

Trump has addressed the wrong city during speeches a bunch of times. Wrong state a few times too, iirc

No it's simpler than that. He had no idea who Nicky was, and in his mind that's a female name so clearly introducing her as a hot woman is correct.

It has nothing to actually do with Nicky Jam.

I guarantee you he asked someone who he was supposed to be introducing right before he went on stage, heard the name Nicky, pictured a woman, and introduced accordingly.

I knew a girl named Nikki....

I do too - it's a gender-neutral name. He just pictured a girl, and didn't even think that he might be wrong.

Trump heard 'Nicky' and assumed it was a woman. No additional complexity or nuance is needed.

I don't think it's a jab. Trump just doesn't know these "celebrities or even care about people general. He's not interested to know these people. He just wants their support and then "they can all fuck off". He's not going to invest any time researching these people, he just doesn't care. I mean, he calls his supporters "basement dwellers". The man is merely a narcissist, that's all.