TERFs taking their gloves off for Imane Khelif

Five@slrpnk.net to LGBTQ+@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 1352 points –

To clarify, the pictured poster Caroline Kwan is an ally, not a TERF. The TERFs referred to in the title are the ones ‘protecting a very specific idea of what a woman is’


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Right, because of overwhelming sexism in sports. I don't "hate" you or feel any emotion towards you. I'm pointing out how sexism in sports isn't just the Olympics, it's so pervasive we even see it in things like the colloquial use of the term 'NBA.' If someone is concerned about bigotry in sports, then wouldn't they want to examine other areas? Don't you think - as an ostensible ally - that that's weird too?

I've been accidentally misogynistic too, because we are raised in a society that have given us propaganda to be misogynistic. It's worth it to self examine and apologize when that happens. No one is an angel. Grow up, be humble, and learn.

And your second sentence proves you didn't actually read my post:

What I said:

So call me as hateful as you like

What you responded:

I don’t “hate” you or feel any emotion towards you

Plus, I specifically said I had no idea what to call the men's league now and you didn't tell me.

Let me know when you actually read my comment and respond to what I actually said and not what you pretended I said. No wonder you decide people are misogynists when you don't properly read their comments.

Your first sentence called me angry.

You call them the men's NBA. That's pretty clear as we both have referenced it as such.

Wow, it wasn't accidental misogyny then, huh? Like had you known, you would've just done it the same anyway. That's why you lack remorse and are trying to make this combative and paint me in a negative light - it's not about women's rights, it's about your ego and looking like you're so smart on these issues you're above criticism. Cool. I'm sorry I said you were doing it on accident? Like go back and read the comment chain - you're way out of line here if you actually care about women.

You show me a major sport news source that calls them "the men's NBA."

Because I can't find one.

This is sounding like you're just making something up in order to call someone a misogynist.