SpaceX accused of dumping mercury into Texas waters for years to – 1022 points –
SpaceX accused of dumping mercury into Texas waters for years

SpaceX’s Starship launches at the company’s Starbase facility near Boca Chica, Texas, have allegedly been contaminating local bodies of water with mercury for years. The news arrives in an exclusive CNBCreport on August 12, which cites internal documents and communications between local Texas regulators and the Environmental Protection Agency.

SpaceX’s fourth Starship test launch in June was its most successful so far—but the world’s largest and most powerful rocket ever built continues to wreak havoc on nearby Texas communities, wildlife, and ecosystems. But after repeated admonishments, reviews, and ignored requests, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) have had enough.


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Got it. And when Exxon ends up heating the world beyond 2 degrees C, then we can criticize them. Until then, criticizing Exxon means criticizing every secretary in their branch office in Des Moines.

I've never once said you can't criticize them. This started because you said people can't praise them.

And Exxon isn't the bad guy for producing a product people want, they're the bad guy for knowing the dangers of that product and not only ignoring them for decades, but also gas lighting the public about it.

This started because you said people can’t praise them.

That is a lie.

This is what I said:

Maybe people will finally stop praising SpaceX?

Why you think you can get away with lying to me about what I said is beyond me.

Precisely, as in, you are bothered by the fact that people currently praise SpaceX, and are hoping that this revelation about mercury levels (which seems to be based on a typo), would make them stop.

You clearly are unwilling or incapable of acknowledging that you're committing the folly of hero worship when you're bothered by people praising SpaceX's accomplishment because of their CEO.

I'm not going to block you in case you eventually come to your senses and post something worthwhile, but I am done with this conversation.

This is what you said:

This started because you said people can’t praise them.

I did not say people can't praise them. People can praise anyone they want. I am unable to tell anyone else what to do apart from my child.

You lied. You're done with this conversation because you know you lied and you refuse to admit it.

I said I was done, but I'll just leave this here since you're apparently unfamiliar with the concept:

It wasn't a paraphrase, it was a lie. I never said anything about what anyone can't do. In fact, I asked a question about whether or not people will stop doing it.

It's such an obvious lie that I'm not sure why you're even trying to attempt this 'paraphrase' nonsense.