What factors do you think contributed to the "Reddit Hivemind"? How do you believe it can be avoided?

Cataphract@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 125 points –

I've been seeing more often (and others have posted the same) that some of the elements of "Reddit etiquette" seem to be taking over here. Luckily I can still find discussion comments but it seems the jokes and general "downvote because I disagree" are slowly taking over.

So the question becomes is it the size or the functionality of the site? The people or popularity? What's your thoughts?

edit: should I change it to Lemmy-hivemind? Exhibit A: the amount of downvotes without a single explanation (guessing it's anything to do with Reddit being talked about).


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+1 and -1 is not representative of the full of ways you can feel about a content. This is what happens when convenience for the system outweights human expression.



Giving someone 1+2+3+4+5+... votes seems excessive

Normal humans would understand that by amplitude, I probably meant a x/10 score. And then the algorithm would put that in context of every other score your account has given out to properly weight relative to your baseline. Then perform sentiment analysis on that specific post relative to all the other posts you've passed judgement on as context and isolate your relative score with respect to that specific sentiment.

Dude, it was just a maths joke and I wasn't even replying to you

-1/12 is the result of putting the sum of all the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc) through the Riemann zeta function.

Get off your snarky high horse and treat people with kindness.

"Normal humans" good gracious.

OK sorry but it sounds like your saying "votes with values other than +1 and -1 ? Ridiculous ! What next ? downvotes of amplitude -1/12 ? Cats and dogs living together ?"

Which I assume the reason the designers of these platform only give us binary +1 and -1 expression and that's IF they don't take away the negative option entirely.

In my defence I plead reddit brain

Thinking scores are "added" is part of the problem. 5000 people voting 1/10 is not equal to 500 upvotes.

One thing I always liked about slashdot is the ability to tag votes with things like "funny" or "informative".

Ultimately moderators do not wish to cede any discussion shaping power to the unwashed masses.