What's a piece of technology you LOVE the progress of?

ericbomb@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 248 points –

We talk a lot about enshittification of technology, so tell me about technology that is getting better!

I personally love the progress of electric scooters. I've been zooming around on a 400$ escooter for a year and it works so well. It has a range of around 20 miles and top speed of 15 mph, so it works just super well for my uses, and 10 years ago scooters with that range/speed/price were no where near a thing.


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I wholeheartedly agree with you, but today I feel like ranting about the debian 12 installer a bit and its inability to accept that, yes, I do in fact want to install grub on two separate hard drives at once, so that I have two sets of /boot/EFI

The OS itself allows installation on mdraid, but grub does not. So in the end I had to set up one /boot/EFI partition on one drive, and reserve an identically sized partition on the other drive so I could manually duplicate the grub installation afterwards. Took me a few hours of hair pulling and way too much coffee to figure that one out.

Have you ever tried something like this with a Windows installer?

I haven't used a windows installer in a decade, so no. Does windows even allow basic partition8ng during install?

Basic, yes. But windows still assumes it knows better than you and does whatever it wants anyway. But you can set up separate partitions for C:\ and D:, etc

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