I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ?

RestrictedAccount@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 617 points –

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I don't fucking believe you. No way that ass nugget eats anything resembling healthy. That pos probably has his cronies remove the non marshmallows from his lucky charms.

That pile resembles healthy?

What's a healthy breakfast?

Something like yogurt and fruit or an omelette

A cigarette and a coffee looks like a healthier breakfast than whatever is on that table

There literally is coffee on that table. You can choose to take the right portions of carbs (cereal) and fats and protein (various meats).

.....the coffee and cigarette is a stereotypical idea of a comically unhealthy breakfast.

that was the point.

There's a hell of a lot more to eating healthy than just balancing 3 simple macros. Especially when what you're balancing is a load of processed shite in bright plastic containers.

So we're talking about packaging then? Not the food itself? Do you know what type of containers yogurt is shipped in? Or even a lot of fruits? Surely you have a better argument than that?

Lol what a silly hill to die on

What's your argument?

"shitty unhealthy food can be eaten in half the recommended portions!" Isn't mine.

Guarantee you're fat

Lol just because you said that, I just became certain that your BMI is far higher than mine. Which btw is below the overweight designation lol

Out here simping for Folgers and want respect!. Rich!

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