I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ?

RestrictedAccount@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 617 points –

I love that he is appearing in front of A white house. Not THE White House but his base won’t care. The vibes are right, ya know?

Looks like he finally found the right Four Seasons. Good for him.

He looks like Great Value Candidate.

Or "Mom, can we have the White House?"

No. We have a perfectly good White House at home!

Yep, and your home is your castle: you have the right to mag dump your gold plated desert eagle pistoleros at anyone who you’re afraid is looking at it.

Crap, now I want White Castle sliders.

Well crap, are there other companies I need to add to my list along with "Goya" for "never going to buy their products again?

As much as I'd love to be picky I'm barely hanging on here, I'm buyin whatever is on sale

Hate to show you this...but there's a shit ton of shitty companies

Edit- For some reason, I couldn't upload the higher res version, so here's a link. https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/stories/these-10-companies-make-a-lot-of-the-food-we-buy-heres-how-we-made-them-better/

Well, technically there are a shit ton of shitty subsidiaries. There are only like six companies, period. Which is a problem in and of itself. And it turns out all six are shitty.


Going to need a higher resolution image, I can barely tell some of the brands on here

To be honest, it's not so much shitty companies, but shitty purchasing decisions

I wouldn't buy any products from any brands listed there because I know they're cheap, over-processed junk. Literally everything there.

If you're buying that stuff because it's cheaper, you need to learn about nutrition. You can get far more calories/nutrients/minerals/protein from slightly more expensive products, costing you less overall

...? Did you even look at the picture? That's 60-70%+ of the brands in any major retailer. It a bit of an oversight to suggest that poor decision making is leading to buying from these shit companies. You have to actually go out of your way to NOT buy one of these brands.

60-70%+ of the brands in any major retailer

(In one country)

I don't buy anything from LITERALLY any of those brands, and YOU need to learn about nutrition!!

you sound pretty good at sharing the wisdom you've accrued and not coming off like an arrogant, self righteous blow job

Did you look at the picture? Almost half the info graphic is international brands.

I'm still on the buycott for Kelloggs after they dropped breittbart so all I buy is special k. Unless they've changed something since then.

Edit. Looking it up, looks like they were doing alrightish but then they busted a union. On the other hand Post is working with trump, and general mills has been working with Israeli settlements. I guess you can go with some small brands. I'll still buy Kelloggs until I hear they change paths on breitbart since it's what I'd been doing.

I'll never buy Maxwell House and Folgers again! I mean I never bought them previously...

Didn't their previous sponsor, that pillow guy, go to prison?

Not yet, currently just super broke and attempting to pay for legal fees.

Wow, look at that guy. He's old and looks to be suffering from some form of cognitive disorder. Is he having a stroke? Is it dementia? Too much adderall? He should drop out and seek treatment. It's just sad.

This looks like a scene of a satire dystopian movie, like robocop or the running man...

It‘s literally Idiocracy

Nope Idiocracy is far more optimistic.

Remember, they found our someone was more intelligent so they gave him the job of fixing the country.

Old man complaining about something with some trash nearby. That stuff isn't anything I would normally buy but I am for sure not buying any of it now.

I have bought Folgers and Maxwell House in the past when in a pinch but never will again. Fuck any companies that support fascism.

Johnsonville, Jimmy Dean, Folgers, Maxwell house and Post cereals are now joining Goya, Amazon, Chic Fil A and Walmart on my boycott list.

His handlers told him to talk about more kitchen table issues, so he brought a kitchen table.

"And don't get me started on folding tables guys"

The crowd cheers and froths at the mouth

They’re the work of the devil. They always used to say they fold, but now suddenly they’re tables? Are they tables or do they fold? Why don’t they know what they are?

Crooked folding tables is what I call em. And a lot of people will say they never stand up right. They'll tell you, "I never trust those folding tables". They're losers. Total losers

"I think we actually need more tax. Putty Tacks, for school teachers! And Mexico should pay for them!"

I didn’t watch it but my guess is the context is something like “all these groceries got more expensive under Joe Biden!” He was bitching about not being able to afford bacon a couple days ago.

Yet it's that fat fuck's lack of attention to pandemic profiteering that led to the inflation. The last 4 years have been trying to mitigate the effects of his half-assed handling of the situation.

Isn't it always funny that the last 2 Democrat presidents inherited absolute economic shit shows from republicans and managed to turn things around only to be blamed for causing the problems that were left to them....

It just seems to be how it goes. It's the same here in Australia. The conservatives fuck everyone who is not already wealthy, then the progressive get elected just long enough to get blamed for how fucked everything is, and the conservatives get elected again because they're "superior economic managers".

The last three Democratic presidents. Clinton inherited the massive debt run up by Reagan and Bush I, and in just six years not only eliminated the deficit but also started producing a fucking surplus. If that sort of financial responsibility had been continued instead of being thrown in the trash by Bush II and Dick "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter" Cheney, we would have eliminated the national debt years ago.

He was bitching about not being able to afford bacon a couple days ago.

That's because of the lawsuits, not inflation.

Surely they wouldn't do that...

"Look at how expensive crooked sleepy Joe biden has made this trash. Who would even buy this."

1 more...

hes standing next to what i eat!

hes got my vote!

As a European, I genuinely laughed. Then I remembered the deteriorating effect of US bullshit on my country and cried.

Time to boycott all those companies. Added to the list that includes Goya.

I don't know if those companies had any say in whether their products were used, but this wasn't supposed to be for advertising. It was supposed to be a gimmick for what was stated to be a message on the economy, but the orange atrocity personified saw a squirrel and the whole address ended up being the same whiny bullshit.

Johnsonville certainly supports this, I'm not sure about the others. I boycotted Johnsonville for a long time because of their financial support for Walker in Wisconsin years ago.

Plot twist: the products were placed by competing brands because they knew the product placement would backfire

America Decides…


Fr tho stable jenius looks real low energy lol

Screw the sissy coffee brands. I'm drinking the Iron Goddess of Mercy Oolong this morning. And tomorrow I might have some Lumber Slut Shu Pu Er.

I only want products with a manly name!

I for one am excited for this new form of capitalism! The government picks one brand to be the national brand for everyone.

Hey, wait a minute...

Guess no more honey bunch of oats. I hope cheerios is good.

Sadly, there was also a box of Cheerios on the table, just not in this particular screenshot.

These are prrtty solid if you still want the oats and can find.them. https://www.cheerios.com/oat-crunch-cereals

Or just don't buy shit over processed food.

Actually interested in how to make my own cereal. Any tips, suggestions, advice?

Take a cup of steel cut oats (NOT rolled or instant), put them in pot with four times it's volume in water. Bring to a boil then simmer for about twenty minutes stirring occasionally. Add half a cup of milk and one egg near the end. Stir well. Mix with honey if you like it sweet. Add some nuts and berries. Dig in.

A breakfast that's not worthless.

Just letting us know what not to buy ever again

Goddamnit I liked honey bunches of oats.

Good news! Post people donate heavily to Dems and not much to Republicans... Not sure about the dark money though... No idea why he's got breakfast there... Think he might be losing it

Any chance their campaign just randomly grabbed stuff from the grocery store and put them there? Not sure the companies approved of this display. They do the same thing with music at Trump rallies. They just assume they can use it.

It’s from a clip where Trump is showing the price changes for the items everyday Americans purchase, there were more tables with toilet paper, bread, milk, cheese, etc. He was saying that Kamala Harris was responsible for how expensive everything got and that it would continue if she wins.

Sure, I understand that. Just not so sure that the companies approved the use of their products as props.

They probably did... Folgers and Jimmy Dean are pretty right-wing, but Post gives mostly to Dems according to open secrets... I don't know about the others

That's just his normal breakfast.

I don't fucking believe you. No way that ass nugget eats anything resembling healthy. That pos probably has his cronies remove the non marshmallows from his lucky charms.

That pile resembles healthy?

What's a healthy breakfast?

Something like yogurt and fruit or an omelette

A cigarette and a coffee looks like a healthier breakfast than whatever is on that table

There literally is coffee on that table. You can choose to take the right portions of carbs (cereal) and fats and protein (various meats).

.....the coffee and cigarette is a stereotypical idea of a comically unhealthy breakfast.

that was the point.

There's a hell of a lot more to eating healthy than just balancing 3 simple macros. Especially when what you're balancing is a load of processed shite in bright plastic containers.

So we're talking about packaging then? Not the food itself? Do you know what type of containers yogurt is shipped in? Or even a lot of fruits? Surely you have a better argument than that?

4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...

Eh that bitch sold beans from the oval office, we know he can be bought and sold on the cheap

Him being sponsored by Folger's has the same energy as this parody of a real Folger's advertisment.

Damn, I was nodding along, accepting this as real, for way too long

You give me tax cuts for the rich, what little healthcare you have left, your reproductive rights, free elections, and the ability to commit felonies.

I give you, a pack of sausages and a tin of burnt coffee grounds.

Apparently the best part of waking up is donating to the GOP.

Imagine, product placement in politics!

There are dozens more on a table to the left side out off camera. Is it confirmed these brands had any prior knowledge of are actually publicly backing trump?

I am fully aware the personal pocket books of the heads of these companies are deep for the GOP.

Yeah, I have no idea if this means something, or if Politics Gallagher there just brought out some props for “muh inflation” before smashing them with a sledgehammer.

It was the words in his latest "intelligence" test. Coffee, honey bunches of oats, sausage (jimmy dean & Johnsonville). He got 5/5 and is a certified apple genius now

It's not product placement. Trump's campaign staff is making a vain attempt to get Trump to talk about the issues rather than all the ineffective personal attacks and name calling.

They've been writing speeches to get Trump to talk about inflation. This time they added some props to force him to talk about how these items cost more now. Of course Trump only spent a few minutes saying something vague about inflation and then regressed back to his typical ramblings about how if Kamala gets elected the world will end or whatever.

Ideally this kind of message would work better if Trump was in a grocery store, but he doesn't venture from his two homes very often these days, so they set up a table in front of his Golf course so he could talk about it there. So it looks like product placement, but it's just a vain attempt to get Trump to deliver some kind of economic message.

He’s just trying to get PAC funding from General Mills or whoever the fuck makes that shit

It's all Monsanto if you go far enough.

Maxwell House and Folgers are owned by different companies. This isn't the same as the Goya thing from a while back.

Haha the only thing they had to change between 2016 and now is replacing Pence with Vance and adding an exclamation point to the slogan.

...Holy shit... Is that why they picked Vance for VP? So they could save money on signs and shirts?

How long till he wears a Spirit Halloween branded tie?

This doesn't look like food. More like... plastic?

I thought the products were an illustration of how much food is in his colon. You know: why he's so full of shit.

Well I'm not buying any of those products ever again. They're un-American.

God damn it Johnsonville are the only halfway decent bratwurst my nowhere grocery carries. Guess it'll be the rare time I find them at a farmers market.


Hey, cool, I use some of those! Not the coffee: wtf is with instant coffee? Do most people really still use that when a basic drip machine is so cheap and ubiquitous.

And the Jimmy Dean “Hot” is usually better tasting, unless you have someone who needs the mild

That's not instant, those are tubs of pre-ground coffee.

I'd take instant over those brands made in a drip machine though.

What brands would you buy? I’m looking to branch out

I don't have a specific brand recommendation, but if you want to absolutely max out your coffee experience, try to find a local roaster or coffee shop that stocks freshly roasted whole beans. Most places like that will offer to grind beans for you too, if you don't have your own grinder at home.

The main problem with those giant pre-ground tubs is that they're almost certainly stale. The longer coffee sits, the more it loses flavor, or develops off-flavors, and pre-round coffee stales even quicker than whole beans. So if you can't find anything locally roasted near you, look for whole beans with a roast date somewhere on the package, ideally within the last two weeks or so.

Edit: typo

Drip coffee takes too long and most people are too lazy/dumb to figure out how to schedule the coffee machine (if their machine even has that feature at all).

To maximize my sleep, I give myself a 15 minute window to get up and get to work. I don't drink coffee, but if I did, I'd go with instant. Just heat up the water and stir in the coffee mix. Takes less than 2 minutes.

I have to admit to k-cups. Horribly wasteful with the packaging but oh so convenient and much better than instant

I save my good coffee for the weekends when I can slow down and enjoy the process rather than impatiently wait

That’s why I used to do, but I was given a reusable K-Cup filter thing that just holds ground beans and is washable/reusable. All of the benefits of quick coffee and none of the waste!

Did you smell like a corpse before the shower? That might explain the deadmans visage you see

And again, let's talk about social security, with Folgers, social security can't fail. Social security will wake up every day to the gree aroma of Folgers coffee and Folgers coffee will bring up it's game! With Folgers coffee and honey nut Cheerios, well also fix all of our homeless. Honey nut Cheerios and Folgers for breakfast give the homeless the energy they need to get thru their day.

Needs more slurring and made up words. I give it a B-.

Oh I wasn't trying to impersonate the president this time. That's illegal. Right? I mean I had this big big guy come up to me this morning, crying the big guy. He says, to me: daddy can you pass me the honey nut Cheerios please and Folgers. I'll never forget right? Because he was saying it. And when I heard it. When I heard it, it was big to me. Big news like Hilary's emails.

Folgers is great

Why is this guy being downvoted? Is there an implication of Folgers endorsing Trump? Is it implied that his liking Folgers is because of their Trump endorsement?

I'm genuinely asking, I'm hella out of the loop

I think they’re just upset because they have different opinions on coffee

Because Folgers is horrendously disgusting, for one. Also I think it's being endorsed by trump here..

You just like sugar packets and or cream. No sane person actually likes the taste of that shit.

Edit: apparently a solid amount of Lemmy users fuck with Folgers.

I'm not going to pretend Folger's is some fine luxury brand. I'm not going to pretend it's even good coffee. It's fine. Not great but fine.

Is it shit? No, get your ratios right and it's fine. It's cheaper and better than a Starbucks cup. If you're going for black coffee, you can do worse.

I’ve had forgers once and it was the most dirt tasting bullshit.

I’m with you.

I actually just like the smell of it brewing. Heavenly.

Tastes like shit, though.

I'd prefer to remain 'insane' in the eyes of terminally online degenerates that never leave the house.

So only terminally online degenerates have working tongues? Lol wtf

lol, because that's definitely the shut-in stereotype.

"Honey I'm really worried about our son, not only has he not left the house for weeks, this morning I found a bag of coffee beans in his room that was produced by a worker owned coop in Honduras!"

do you know where the door is or do you need an escort?

For what?

Leaving in shame, I imagine

Nah, I ain't going nowhere

Maybe to the gas station for some burnt coffee lol

Edit: people are seriously mad about this? I thought it was a pretty good burn


Folgers is great

Doesn't get you roasted I don't know what would