If you need a bot to tell you a source is or isn't biased, then you shouldn't be reading the news in the first place.
This comment seems rather ableist.
The Media Bias Fact Checker bot helps people who have autism understand biased language which may not be readily apparent without an outside source warning us about the biases.
Then it should at least be accurate.
The problem is that the intentions of the bot author aren't fair and unbiased. They purposely label sites and articles that tilt in favor of their zionist opinions as reliable and trustworthy without regard to the reality of whether they are or are not.
If you need a bot to tell you a source is or isn't biased, then you shouldn't be reading the news in the first place.
This comment seems rather ableist.
The Media Bias Fact Checker bot helps people who have autism understand biased language which may not be readily apparent without an outside source warning us about the biases.
Then it should at least be accurate.
The problem is that the intentions of the bot author aren't fair and unbiased. They purposely label sites and articles that tilt in favor of their zionist opinions as reliable and trustworthy without regard to the reality of whether they are or are not.