Fixed it for ya

Unruffled [he/him]@lemmy.dbzer0.commod to Lefty – 506 points –

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I haven't done that

Yes, you have

gaining power over others

That's what monopolisation of power means.

But not prevent the acquisition of power over others, or prevent exploitation.

Yes, exactly that. That's what democracy's supposed to handle.

To me it seems like feudalism never ended.

There are distinct differences of capitalism and feudalism.

Yes, you have

I disagree.

Yes, exactly that.

LOL so you believe there is "a ton of historical and anthropological evidence of societal structures that prevent" people gaining power over others? You believe there have been "a ton" of human societies with no exploitation? You have no idea what you're talking about.

That's what democracy's supposed to handle.


There are distinct differences of capitalism and feudalism.

Oh I see! Distinct differences! LOL

I disagree.

Well, you're wrong.

You believe there have been "a ton" of human societies with no exploitation? You have no idea what you're talking about.

There have been a ton of societies which limited the amount of power individuals could amass.

Oh I see! Distinct differences! LOL

Yeah. Feudal property relations are totally the same as capitalistic property relations. No difference whatsoever. Pretty much everyone is still a subsistence farmer. /s

Well, you're wrong.



Ah! So now you're changing your tune! Not "preventing" but "limiting". Best of luck, maybe you'll get to reality in the end.

So, amassing of power can't be limited in your opinion?

Why are you asking me that?

Because that's what you're implying.

I'm neither saying nor implying that.

Yes you are:

"We" cannot stop human beings from gaining power over others so the question is moot.

I see where the confusion lies. Let me rephrase:

"We" cannot prevent power or exploitation so the question is moot.

No one's talking about power itself, but of its' monopolisation.

Why can't that and exploitation be prevented via social structures? Why are you ignoring all the precedents where it was/is already prevented?

No one's talking about power itself, but of its' monopolisation.

You're not making any sense. We're not communicating. Take care.

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