Dr. Jill Stein announces Butch Ware as VP running mate

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -68 points –

WASHINGTON (TND) — Dr.Jill Stein, who is a Green Party presidential candidate, has selected Professor Butch Ware as her vice-presidential running mate.


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Don't worry about it, very few people will vote for this Russian stooge and those who do were never going to vote for Harris anyway.

Don’t worry about it, very few people will vote for this Russian stooge

So then, you have nothing to worry about. :)

Correct, she's the last thing I'm worried about.

Good for you then. I’m glad my post didn’t make you angry, as it seems to have done with a lot of others recently.

Nah just makes you look foolish.

Nah just makes you look foolish.

Because I'm voting for someone that you are not voting for, right? Ok!